

the one
He fell for her the moment he saw her at the Art gallery. Fill in the blank and create a story.
Nicholas walked into the Art gallery displaying all of jack's horrendous art. his body guards were walking behind him and some in front of him. if it wasn't for the fact that jack used his art gallery as a cover for the majority of his illegal activities no one would even step a leg into this place. jack's art was horrible but he was the best smuggler ever. right now he needed someone a smuggler to be precise for the operation "star" they were about to embark on. That was when he saw her. he stopped in his track to stare at her. she had the brightest green eyes that he had ever seen they held so much pain with long silky black hair that reached her waist. she had delicate features and was like a porcelain doll. i bet the hair would be so soft to touch he thought. she was staring at a painting probably trying to decipher the meaning like it was some puzzle. but he knew the painting had no meaning as jack had told him that himself. just as he was still staring she turned around,saw him flashed him a smile and a wave and then he knew she was the one.
comment if you want me to finish the story.
© itheforgottenone