

The Machine
It's really quiet.. I am not able to hear any thing, not even being able to feel the presence of a living being. The only thing that I hear is just a machine going on, doing it's work all the time, tirelessly and just going on and on. It doesn't need to stop, it's only programmed to keep on going and going, working and working, and complete the tasks. That's what it is made for. It's been like this always.. Until one day, it will stop working. It might need to be charged or might get broken, so it won't work anymore.

It's really silent right now, though normally I would be hearing a sound, a machine sound, going on and on. There is always this sound, really faint, but if you listen closely, you will hear it. The dib-dab, dib-dab...and so on. It goes on with a rhythm, not so unique one, but it would be lifeless. It's just programmed to work, not to feel anything, it doesn't need to have any feelings.

But, somehow.. it does feel broken, from the inside, it doesn't know how, but it feels like there's a crack inside of it. I think, maybe it's the conscience, the inner voice, the Soul of the machine, which isn't lifeless, it has feelings somehow.

Oh no! The machine isn't working correctly, the sound is getting fainter and fainter.. It's.. Broken, scattered, really hurt, in inconsiderable pain, which no one can explain, it can't even understand it. It feels so empty, deep inside. It feels the parts are slowly stopping..slowly dying.

The machine doesn't know what is even happening, what is it even feeling, it is just programmed, made to work and complete the job. It's creator didn't programmed it to feel this way, it doesn't have a reason to be broken. It has been working non stop and getting charged when needed, then what happened?! It is just a machine, like its fellow machines, just made to function, complete tasks and everything is fine then.

Oh.. The machine has stopped working, what happened?.. Let's see, oh the core part is really broken, it needs to be fixed and charged too. It does get charged always, what happened that it's so low on charge that it's dead?

Hm.. Where is it, where is the charger, the tools.. Oh! I forgot, silly me, how can I? It is not here, it is somewhere else, it has been left somewhere, far away.. I don't know where, or maybe it's here, but I can't find or see it,

Maybe it's because the charger or the charge the machine needs is happiness, peace, the true one, not the fake..and for the machine is Me.

© Ophelia