

The day pandemic time starts it spreads slowly, but flows quickly among in a form of a microorganism, just few micron are kilo bases long unpredictable virus. Incoming of the the pandemic calls.I remember the day I first aware of this. I was resting on my bed inside my mess, chirrupings of my friends gathered, Wi-Fi is on and I am playing with my laptop keyboards. By the way introduce myself I am engineering student so, sleepiness is our first categorical strategy of living in Bengali it's called "Lydh Khor".Now, continue with my story so I was searching something on our famous "Google Baba".Suddenly my roommate came running from outside looking excited to show me something.That was the first time I aware of these incoming pandemic times.

After few days our college declared suspension of classes and a first "Janata Curfew "
declared. After few days increasing affected by this pandemic. It started flowing infection through our minds of fear. Everyone passing by cover their faces with N95, some of them became fashionable, some acts as a fearer.

After some relaxing, chilling, fearful days. There was official declaration of lockdown in the whole country.

Here, when the pandemic converts itself as a rumours in every persons actions. But, it will not suddenly stops everything many of them are like brave fighters they are not fear full about the virus. Whereas, some of them I like monks non-disruptive minds, they only follows the news. Follows all the guidelines shown by our medical societies.

Whole world faces the pandemic times. Safeguarding them self from that microorganism
whose indestructible attacks has fallen many mighty kingdoms.

Fighting against it without any weapon like a brave Soldiers. And our powers are all medical societies, defences, and our Engineers and mainly our cleanliness soldiers.

Hoping for raising and enlighted day to pass on this "Pandemic Times" to be the winner.
Also promise to the virus that we will take care of this planet Earth.

"Save Nature, Save Earth"
"Stay At Home, Stay Safe".

By- @Saheb2204
Dated-24th Apr,2020
#pandemictimes #COVID-19