

The Dark Classroom Is Not Empty
When I was a kid my class was next to another class that's empty and dark. We were talking about scary stories that time, I was trying to act normal and not suspicious cause.... I have sense something moving around in the classroom.I sense something walking in the back of the class. And then.... BOOM! The cabinet open itself. I know what you're thinking. "Oh it's just the wind"No! Your wrong.I doubt it cause I don't feel any wind coming to the cabinet. That when things got rough my friend told the others But they don't believe us! We tried to close the light and see what is at the back of the classroom. I close the light for a second then I opened it back. They look frightened like they saw something. I ask them what did you see? They replied: something white was floating around the class. I stood there clueless.Ok now you got the point that the back of the classroom is haunted. Let me tell you something...My seat is at the back of the classroom as I'm reading the books, I sense something weird. My body feels like eletricuted(sorry if I missspell that)Next time I tried to close the light again I see shadow crawling at the back of the classroom. The thing was coming for the girls. They were screaming in fear. Another friend that always trusted me for everything enters the class. He ask me to close the light after he saw that running at the back of the classroom he came up with an idea. The girl goes outside two at the front two at the back two at the back is me and my friend who truly trust me everything I said (lol)We stand at the back of the classroom. only one girl is in the classroom. she have to switch off the light. The moment she switches the light off. Nothing happens. As I'm about to walk forward with my right leg my left leg got bitten by something my friends saw me and ran but the something caught his leg to. The girl opens the light back as fast as she can. After that we heard a scratch from the back wall which connected to the empty dark room. We were scared that time.We being stupid check what's inside. You won't believe what we found. A tall skinny Thing was scratching the front wall which connected to our back wall it doesn't look at us it keeps scratching we go in the class and slam the wall where the Thing was scratching. we follow our ghost killing way of our religion. It worked. After we share this story to our friend they believed us. Cause they saw a scratching marks on it. That class is now not often used, but its still used by the fifth grade. Thank you for listening/reading my story
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The Dark Classroom Is Not Empty
By Yasier