

friend no more
You are falling in love with your friend. What should you do? Write a story...

once i fell in love with my friend.he was my best friend who helped me in my all ups and down.he was caring, he was familiar,apart from these he has a good heart.he was also trying to impress me by helping in notes and discussing about how to study well.yes i was started falling in love with him like mad.one day i asked do you like me?he said-yes.so the story of fairy dream started.i started to living in dreams.day by day the time pass love is now changing in life.without knowing the person whom i love,he dont love me he is passing time, so the love is suddenly started changing in the lust.he started to saying if you love me then you have to prove me.deep inside i am dieng i cannot do something which is henious crime.loving someone is good but i can not prove my love because dignity is more important.so he started to moving backward cheating or doing whatever he wants.i was patientlly waiting every day for getting a call or text from him.crying badly in night.i was like now i am going to dieng or i will finish my life.slowly slowly the freindship died.i have lost my best friend some one who helps me in all my ups down.but life not ends here i am recovering from all these.i wl survive and i am strong.one day you will regret that in search of coal u lost diamond.