

James Hook ( pt - 3 )
I went to my house thinking all night long about Iris but I can't understand his problem. I look at the gift and open the wrap to see what's in it. There was a golden watch. Suddenly A torch in my mind brightly shine. I went to Sunshine Hotel immediately. I asked to receptionist about the waiter who told me about Charlie Mack way. She said to me,"He left this hotel sir."

I asked "From when?".

She said, "Sir when you met him last it was his last day."

I asked, "Can you give me his address?"

She replied, "No sir it is not allowed but sir what happened why you want it?"

I said," To give him the prize from the Police for the help to save the life of Iris and solved this case in a short time period. Because of this reason, that Police Inspector became a commissioner. So commissioner decided to give a prize to the whole sunshine hotel especially you and the waiter. Well, What's his name?"

She replied, "Robert".

I said, "Because he is the main one who help us a lot to solve this case so police sent me to call Robert to take prize. If you help me to contact him so we all can go to get the prize. Otherwise, they didn't give a prize to anybody."

She asked, "Why sir?"

I replied, "I think Police wanted to give the prize to you both at the same time. They sent it to the given address and will also call you to honor you a medal at the commissioner's promotion party."

She asked, "Well Sir, what's in prize?"

I replied, "Only 30,000$ per person."

She replied, "Sir, Do you want a contact number or address or both?"

I replied, "Give me both. Robert and yours both."

She give me the contact number and address of her and Robert then she asked, "When was the party sir?"

I replied, "Tomorrow morning."

She said, "Sir, Don't worry he'll come to you next morning because in he was here at this time. If you come late so we can't get it as in the tomorrow's evening he is going to Australia."

I thanked the receptionist and then left the hotel hurriedly. I rashly drove the car and went to the given address.

When I went at the door. At the same time the door opens and Robert ( the waiter) was standing there. I smiled and asked a permission to get into his house. He tried to escape from the house but I snatched him with his collar and took him to threw at his sofa.

Robert: What's this behavior. I will call to police.

I: No need man Police will come here soon.

Robert: Why you call police here what I did?

I: You did the murder of Mr. Hay.

Robert : No I didn't did it. It was just an accident.

I: It wasn't an accident. It was a murder done by you. And also hid by you.

Robert: No! It was an accident but not done by me. It was done by a little boy Iris.

I : Don't blame your faults to Iris He's an innocent boy.

Robert : I know he's an innocent because at the time of murder I was also at the house. Okay! I'll tell you the whole story. But said one thing before it that doesn't arrested Iris.

" One day, Mr. Hay came at the Sunshine Hotel with his friend. He was watching me when I stole the expensive watch of my manager but he didn't told to anybody. He called me aside of the hotel and told me that he saw me during the robbery. He asked my reason and I said truth to him I need money for the operation of my mother I asked manager to upgrade my salary but he couldn't so I stolen his expensive watch. Mr. Hay took me to his car and said to me that he gave me something which was much bigger than this expensive watch. Just I have to make his wish true. My mouth became watery so I asked him what you want from me. He took me to his office and gave me the photo of Mrs. Hay. He said, "She's my wife. I want to kill her. I asked, "Why you want to kill your wife?"

He replied," It's not your matter. You just have to kill her for 50,000$.Its a great opportunity for you. If you did it you feel then to be a luckiest person in the world. And if you didn't I will told about your robbery to your manager He'll fired you. Now your life is in your hands. I'll give you 5 hours to decide you and remember I also have the proof of your robbery."

I leave the office and thinking very much about that then I agreed to kill her because I didn't have another option.

To be continued..........

© NabiaSajid