

I Can Hear You [PART;ONE]
It was a rainy day.

Just a normal Sunday afternoon.

That was the day that they first met.

It all started with a tap on the shoulder...

He turned his head in confusion and looked over at the girl standing behind him. She smiled and held up a white board with words scribbled across it in a curvy font. 'Excuse me, but may I sit here? All the tables are occupied.'

He glanced around the coffee shop and realized that she was indeed correct, all the tables were surprisingly full. It was the first day of the 'Cherry Mint Shake' special after all, which only comes out the same week every year.

The guy smiled at her politely and spoke in a soft, quiet voice. "Sure." And he watched silently as she sat down across from him with her coffee in hand.

After she sat down she wiped the whiteboard clean and used a black marker to write out a new message. Then she turned the board around to reveal the words 'thank you' written in big letters and followed by multiple explimation points.

He chuckled but then a thought occured to him and he tilted his head slightly in confusion. "Wait... how did you know I was deaf?"

The girl sat and stared for a moment before a shocked look crossed her face. She quickly went back to her whiteboard to write out a new message. 'I actually didn't know that!' She wrote.

"Oh, well, if you don't mind me asking, why are you bothering with the whiteboard if you didn't know I was unable to hear you?" He asked.

'Oh, silly me, I should have explained myself.' She grinned. 'I was born with damaged vocal cords, in other words I am completely mute.'

After he read that he couldn't stop himself from bursting into loud laughter. He of course couldn't hear how loud he was and he caught the attention of everyone nearby, but the girl didn't mind. In fact, she silently laughed along with.

Neither of them were making fun of the other, and they both knew that, they just found the whole situation hilarious. I mean, who wouldn't? Out of all the people she could have asked to sit with, it just happened to be the one who's deaf.

© Sam T. Parker