

The Magic River
A long time ago, there lived a childless couple in a village entirely isolated from the world. They had all the happiness in life, but one --- they wished for a girl. They village was beautiful  and almost empty. It was wierd that no body knew about such a grand place but only a few people! There was a forest leading to the river, whose beauty attracted all.
Abigail and John often went to that river during their leisure. There was a saying---drop a coin and ask for a wish...the pure water of the river will make it all come true. Abigail did it a lot of times, asking for a girl. Soon her wish seemed to be coming true.
9 months later, it was a boy she had. John was quite happy for it was their first child after a 16 year long marriage.
Abigail had always wanted a girl. She thought of making another wish to the river and specifically mention a 'girl'. Very slowly and silently, she sneaked out of the house with her son and threw him into the river nearby. She then through a coin into the river and asked for a girl.
Her wish seemed to be coming true this time as well. They had a girl this time and named her Kya. Kya was beautiful, bright and charming. She had all the qualities to fulfil her mother's desires. 
One day as Kya grew older, her mother took her to the bridge where Abigail often used to go. Kya, however, didn't seem very happy about the idea. She was nervous. She was scared, and slowly started crying.
"What happened Kya? Are you not loving this beautiful place?", asked Abigail.
"Mother...I'm scared. What if you throw me in the river again?"Kya asked in a low voice.