

Our own mind can sometimes trick us, especially when we're feeling emotionally unstable. Throughout our lives, our minds go through ups and downs due to various positive and negative experiences. When we're stressed or sad, our minds can overwhelm us with thoughts and choices that we deep down know aren't good for us. Even though we realize this, we often follow these impulses, only to end up feeling regretful afterward. This creates a cycle that repeats itself.

To break this cycle, it's crucial to take a moment to pause and calm our impulsive thoughts. By giving ourselves this extra time, we can resist acting on harmful impulses suggested by our minds. When we manage to skip these actions that our minds tell us to do, despite knowing they're not right for us, we feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness. It's important to train our minds in this way because life brings many challenges and negative situations that can cloud our thoughts with dark thoughts.

Practicing simple actions like drinking water, taking a few moments to breathe deeply, and closing our eyes in quiet reflection can help us regain control over our minds. Ultimately, mastering these techniques is about patiently holding onto our inner strength over time.
© Abinas