

Hopeful Lights

Happy Diwali to all✨

festival of lights and colours of joy sparking over, with lot of love and sweets.
this was a time where relations seen and friends grows by wishes and sweets.

Few things I noticed today or far more than that start of diwali, I really like to point it out.

Before having a happy diwali let's have a safe and helpful diwali.

Crowds, everywhere. something needed to be avoided one.
diseases or few virus fevers, do you know how it transfer?
saying this as an allied medical student, if it makes you little more worthy to trust my opinion, Because I have studied it.

Air. While breathing in a crowd together so closer, we get air mixed up and one's and another's ones creates a new form of virus.
lemme say you, there are plenty like thousands of virus on air and we do got these into our body, and what's protecting us is our own white blood cells or immunity.
we got fevers or cold do you something?
there's isn't excate reason for why we get fever or cold, there might be you say, you got drenched head or dust allergies.
but it was also a main reason we creating a new virus and our body functioning vitally to destroy it.

Corona, has many controversy things.
peoples were rumour to say, it was produced by China, just because it was first found there, later it was just due to the agenda of 2020, there's this business world wants to discard some peoples due to the over use of resources, which are very limited.
(well, then why you're not planning to multiple it?) reducing things are often going to make resources limited too, it just makes the time a little far.
Funny thing I heard, it was because of Bats of forests.
Or Some popular scientist tested it wrong by producing something, due to misconceptions, corona created or even big MNCs, to make hike on products to create many things like things, hike the prices and many.

So let's stop this crowding things, God will never gonna punish you, if you don't go to him on that specific day, instead do good, God will be happy for you.
Pollution and Time.

Okay, Diwali The festival of lights will be incomplete without Crackers.
yes. I too craked some Crackers, and it was fun.
in Night Seeing the light and colours. Just Wow.

But the time? The smoke it emits? is Worst.

Government says, 2 hours a day and avoid crackers of noise.

But does people follow it?
or do the government took the exact step?

Okay, now I'm not going to bother about the second question. I'm not going to say that I want the Government to do all, when we are the one who choose the worst government. yes, worst.

there were noises too much, I wouldn't resist my ears are burning rn...I wouldn't last it.
I was on terrace watching all the beautiful rockets getting Colourful, but it was nearly 10 at night and these brainless peoples are cracking up the worst auto bomb, that sounds more than nuclear weapons.

For some reasons I dislike this Diwali, manners, why people last it?
I see olderly couples are getting scared and I can't resist seeing this thing.
if youngsters would think about their future as older couples and those crackers disturbing your heart, you guys might shut off your crackers.

Juniors are peoples who follow seniors, let us grow wiser and guide the young generation better.
let us, the young generation be a better example with knowledge, experience, and common sense!


Sharing is Caring.

Not everyone celebrates Diwali as same.
Orphans, Homeless, labours with low wages....

when I walk on the roads, all I can be is grateful to God.
we have a lotta things to blame or debate on.
but we never know what we got is better.
if you can read my this story, I can surely say you're in a better position to live.
be grateful for that.

Share your Sweets not only to your neighbour, but to the people who can't really give you something back.

don't lend, just give.

I wish, god to make me stable and fill my pockets so that I can fill some one's stomach and many more.
I wish, if I got more money I may shut mouth and let be more humble than being pride or proud.
let me be humble and kind, if I'm rich with money, if not money, let me develop the quality to have a rich mindset.

to give matters not how much you give, the pure mentality to give matters.

let us be together, not only when it's time of festival or some natural calamities when it's need of help but also in everyday honest life.

life will be more and most Better if we just earned to live, not live to earn.

earn to live, not live to earn.

life is not money but the love and peoples you had in your back if you turn your face to make sense what you need.
having emotions and true feelings peoples are far better than having a lifeless money.

money is just a transaction.
love is the life.
if we can help peoples, then why we sit down simply? let's be guardian angel for someone if we can, whatever you do, do whole heartedly...

And Safe and Healthy Diwali....

© Hazel

and ya, I'm writing this very hopefully that, some changes can be seen by my little steps...

"let my changes for the world I created, begin within myself "