

Everyday, I Pray
Everyday, I pray.
I pray for an escape from the chaos that is all around me, caused by no choice or action of mine.
For a one-way ticket to Neverland, where me and the other Lost Boys will stay young forever, free of both troubles and tribulations.

Everyday, I pray.
I pray that someone will finally see me for who I truly am, and not as I appear at first sight.
That they will see past the mask that I so stubbornly keep over my face.
That they will take the time to read between the lines, and perhaps understand why I felt the need to write some of my story in fine print.

Everyday, I pray.
I pray that God will see the tears that I choose not to cry.
That my endless efforts to suffer in silence will be recognized.
Dare I even say, rewarded.

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