

In a busy area situated at the heart of a city, there lived a builder who constructed roads with passion. One day the builder got a contract of making a concrete road on a gravel land nearby a city. With the joy he had arrived for site inspection to calculate the materials required for the same. Very next day the construction work started and concluded speedily. Yet the road wasn’t ready for use. The newly prepared road was damp and soft which demanded time to reach end phase. Also, the builder asks the residents to keep it undisturbed until they permit. But few uncultured people walked over it to cause the damage. Some drivers stood near the road and discussed about taking heavy vehicles on it.

The coming day builder visited the site to inspect the road and found the road to be damaged. When the road saw the builder, it started to weep. The builder asks why are you weeping? And tries to console it. Blaming the builder, the road replies, “why have you crafted me in this place? The people here are too mean. Knowing that I’m soft they stepped over me. Never bothered about the damage they caused yet blamed me when the concrete stuck their shoes.
Smiling at the road, the builder said, “Don’t worry I’ll heal you”. Unsatisfied road told “They hurt me; I shall hurt them. I will take revenge by intentionally creating potholes. Let them also feel the discomfort.

The builder advices not to do so. It is totally wrong thinking. Also, he elaborates the reason for the creation of road stating that, “the purpose of road construction was basically for transportation. And for the same he had used all necessary materials which indeed makes the road not only strong and long lasting but bearable to heavy vehicles. He clarifies that it is just the matter of time. Initially for the nourishment he added water which is the reason for softness but it shall evaporate and make road hard so that it can withstand the heavy weights. Also assures that he shall add humps and speed breakers if necessary.
The road had a small doubt that moving vehicle doesn’t exert more load on it but what if it stays for long? Doesn’t it pain? To which the builder replies, “you have a boon that all the vehicles shall arrive and depart but not stay. Even if they stay, they shall vacate as soon as possible without troubling you much.

The consoled road accepts that his creation was to serve/help others. It was his duty to make the journey safer whoever travel over him. Also to be good and prevent accidents.

Here the road could be none other than us, the humans. And the builder could be the god. God created us with love to serve humanity. Alike the builder customized materials based on need, god customized our emotions based on fate. Our childhood is like the newly constructed soft damp road, we can shape it however we need or it shall get shaped based on exposure to environment. Similar to how water is added for nourishment and shaping of the road, the innocence and blind trust is added to our childhood which disappears as we grow. Relatedly being conscious about the vehicles that shall pass over the road, the builder had given the power to bear it, similarly the god who put us in hardship had already given us the strength to face it.
Also sometime when we get hurt by others, we get emotional and broken we might take wrong decision of hurting others which we shouldn’t. But, like how the builder shall add speed breaker interrupting speed of vehicles, similarly god shall also interrupt those who shall try to violate us.
Last but not the least, corresponding to the boon given by the builder to the road, god also has booned us that people shall come and go but not stay. Even if they stay it may be temporary or for long time but not permanent, preventing load on our heart ! So trust god and appriciate his creation rather than weeping or faulting him.

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