

Women's day
Women are very special God made them unique they need to be treated with respect being thoughtful of her feelings be kind helpful loving and compassionate to her her love needs to blossom like a tender plant very well watered and being taken care of do not tell a woman what to do make suggestions don't leave her out of finances or family affairs and always considered her feeling always take time for the children to see what they would like to do for the day interact with them as a family if the children have had a bad day talk to them quickly find out immediately what the problem was it's very important to understand their feelings and emotions most of all let them see your love compassion and caring for them never yell at a child and teach your children to pray it's very important and to pray with them as a family it helps them to be strong responsible individuals and it gives them direction and to love themselves and to love others always treat your wife with love she'll be your queen for a day with both your love prospering and blooming she'll be a queen for life.
