

Evil spells and the dark well
We all have faith in God and we know that he always there to help us...But if God is there so evil also somewhere exists in this world. What will happen if in real we face a evil spirit which is very insidious and angry.....

Now the story begins!
We have heard that there are some people who still believe in evil powers and use them and do black magics and create their own dark world of evil...But if you someday get their evil spells of black magic...
Today me and my three friends walking in the Dark forest at late night for camping for five days.
It's our first day and at night we are finding a place for camping but it's raining so we can't make our tent outside...So, we found a old house to stay. I knocked the door but no one's here and the door was open. Then we entered the house it's like a nightmare and creepy house but we have to stay in this house until the wheather clears. Then one of my friend entered in one room it's very strange room looks like someone has done black magic there but my friends don't believe in these things...And she got a book in which is written 'evil spells' but my friends said it's all fake and she started reading it...
-- "Зло придет и встанет пора прийти и создать "темный мир"...
And nothing happened so we thought it's fake and we closed the book and went to sleep. But then at night 1:00 am,One of my friend wake up to drink some water but the bottles were empty and she's very thirsty so waked up another my friend and they both went outside in search of water and at some distance they saw a well there is so less water in it so they tied a old little breaked jug and put it in the well and pulled up the jug and she drink some water but it's tastes so bad and she looked in the well and still she looked in the well still looking and still looking and she is feeling like she is getting deeper and there's only dark and still looking and breathing heavily and suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at her right side that her friends are sleeping near her and as she looked at her left side and get shocked and terrified and no voice came of her mouth because a it's evil spirit whose face is covered with blood and hair. She tried to say something but it's like someone is supressing her neck and suddenly something pulled her and she vanished...
At night 2:00am
When I felt that no one is sleeping beside me so I wake up and told my friends that one our friend is missing...
We all waked up and started finding her outside in different ways, one my friend gets near that well she heard some voice is coming from well and she started looking in it and the evil pulled her into the well and she also vanished!
Now we two friends are left and we don't know that our another friend is missing now...
Now we both started finding our friend together and my friend saw a shoe of our one friend near the well, so we get near the well and I said I think it's all happening because of those evil spells but she still wouldn't believed me and she said there is something else or they are joking with us...
And she also looked in the well, I said her not to look in the well but she still looked in the well and in front of me the evil pulled her into the dark well and in just a moment she vanished...I was very scared and started running from there my eyes was just closed and I was very terrified and started gasping and I thought I was now escaped and opened my eyes and I saw that I am standing near that dark evils well and my friends voice was coming from the well like they are calling me...And something holded my legs and pulled me in the well...
And every thing vanished our four day camping ended in one night and we all are dead because of those evil spells!
So be aware if you get this type of evil spells don't read them because if once you read them it could be your last day or night and everything will we vanished!!!