

well let me start by introducing myself. My name Steven Zeigler I'm a single 44 year old man. I have experienced some of the most amazing opportunities life has to offer. I have accomplished things people said I couldn't do. negativity only unleashes the beast inside me. I have done things I'm not proud of but the one thing I have finally figured out as long as you learn from it then it becomes a lesson not a mistake. another thing I'm proud of is I was raised to be respectful,honest,sincere and determined to be the best I can be in anything I do. failure is never an option. I have been homeless lived in my car for 6 months. I was married my wife was a recovering heroine addict all I wanted to do was save her give her love like she never experienced before. She had an abbility to look me dead straight into the eyes and lie. To this day that is one thing I could never do to someone I say I love. she was 18 years younger then me and was spiraling into a lost abyss. Being the man I am all I wanted to do is help her. we where married for 3 years during this time she accused me of cheating on her every day, but I have never cheated on any female I was involved with and God as my witness I Neve would. being treated this way made me very mean not physically but mentally. I said things you should never say to anyone regardless of what they have done to me. The only emotions I would show was anger. I never showed love I never cared all I felt was disgust and hate. I honestly couldn't even look into the mirror because I couldn't stand looking at myself. I hated the person I had become. eventually I caught my wife cheating on me and after the 4th time it happened I decided this relationship is horrible and I needed to find myself. so I decided to move on with my life and become the man I always wanted to be. someone I'm proud of an inspiration to anyone and everyone I meet. alot of people don't know the real me. I'm nothing like most men that only want laid. I honestly only want one thing and that is someone that will love me unconditionally the way I love them. I have yet to find anyone that sees what I see. The reason I have made the changes in my life are so my parents are proud of the man I have become. I'm happy to say that I am born again. I refuse to let any one decide what is best for me. I'm now following the path of richousness and have given myself to God. His love has filled me with is an unstoppable passion that only gives me the hope and faith he has shown me. I work multiple jobs to make ends meet 60-70 hrs per week. I have dedicated myself to working hard to acheive the goals that use to seem unreachable, but I now realize nothing in life can stop you from doing anything if you have the passion and desire inside yourself. The harder things become the more life is preparing you to be great. never give up on yourself never quit anything no matter how impossible it seems. it only proves the negative Nancy's right. there are times I feel alone but that's ok because I know I can trust myself and God. No one really has the answers to life everyone's story is different, but remember this we have the opportunity to choose the way we travel it. No one is perfect no one lives sin free no other person is better then you we all bleed red,and one day we all will die. we all need help or feel we need to help others instead of ourselves. I have completely changed my entire outlook on life I thank God everyday for everting I have faced because he made me the man I'm am proud to see looking back at me everyday in the mirror. I love the new man I have become and I'm proud to say one day I will be one of God's soldiers fighting to save all the lost souls all the evil all the hate all the anger that fills the world we all live in. I was a lost soul until I decided to to give my heart and soul to God. Now I see that during the most difficult times in my life God was carrying me he never left me alone and he has always been there preparing me to be a soldier in his army of salvation.