

Last Man On Earth Part-II
Lee reached to river . "Maybe she jumped over the river. She might have gone into forest . I must get into forest . But who knows what dangers await. Wait , I could actually go to a police station , I might find guns there. Ok, so I will go to police station .

Lee rushed to police station and found a pistol with hundreds of ammo . "It would have been better if I could find a assault rifle . But first I need to correct my aim . I have played a lot of fps games but I didn't thought that I could use a real gun. Ok ,so here goes nothing . " Lee tries to shoot the calendar but missed . 
"Oh sh*t , this was harder than I thought . I must train to use this gun . "
He tried to shoot the calendar again but missed . 
"Oh man , the sound is harsh . But wait , I could use this sound to lure Eve. " He got out of the station and fired the gun in the air . "Oh sh*t , recoil is harsh ." 
 As he was waiting for Eve to come an eagle came flying towards Lee . 
"Oh no, I have to get inside the station . " , said Lee while rushing towards the police station . But as he was running the eagle got so close , thus he had to shoot eagle . 

"Oh no , I have killed it . But it was for my own safety . And practically I am the one who killed every man on the Earth. But where is Eve . She should have got here because of this much commotion ." , said Lee and then he hopped on the bike and went to other police station to look for more guns .

"It would have been better if my weapon was a supernatural power . But the dealer only said that he will take life of all the person on earth. He didn't tell me anything about how will I live after that . But now , I have to focus on what is gonna happen today and tomorrow . Thinking about past won't recover it ." 

He reached to the 2nd police station and took a look in it. And takes every weapon he found with him .

"I think that there were only 2 police station is the city . Now let's practice shooting."

He went to the convenience store . " Here I can eat while practicing how to shoot . " He took a packet of chips and put it on a table and took 15 steps back . He aimed at the packet but his shot missed . "Oh man , the recoil . It hurts ." He tried again with a better aim this time but missed again . " I was able to shot the Eagle dead . Why can't I hit this tiny packet . Maybe I was scared of Eagle but I am not scared of the packet . Whatever , let's try one more time." He thought of the packet as a hoard of dogs . 

This time it worked , Lee was finally able to shoot the packet but when he tried again he missed . "Sh*t man , I must practice as much as I can . Today I wish that I would go back to past and tell the small Lee to take the archery class seriously . "

After 1 hour of practice , Lee was finally able to shoot 3 out of 10 times . " If I keep practicing like this , I will be out of ammo today itself , so lets call it a day . " He opened a bottle's cap and drank all the water in one sip . "Man , I was thirsty . Its getting dark outside . I should just stay here today . "

Lee fell asleep .

Lee woke up ."What the hell , It's afternoon . I must be tired with all that training . Now I should go and bring a comfortable cushion or something as this will be the place I will live from now on . As It has food , Air conditioner and plenty of space . But I should check the surrounding too , to see if this has nothing dangerous nearby . "

Saying this , Lee went out to his apartment . "Everything in the city must have been burned to pieces . There is so much pollution here also ." He took a bean bag and tried to put it on the bike but he couldn't do that . "I must take a car with me , but where will I find one . It is too risky to get back to city . Maybe I should roam around a little bit . "

He sat on the bike and started going around the store in search of car and also to check the surrounding . As he was going south to the store . He felt overheat . "Oh sh*t ! What is that ! " . He went to see that.He saw that their was a factory there . The factory was burning hot . " Oh sh*t ! I should get out of here as fast as possible ." He turned his bike and went to the store ."This store is not a good place to live . I should get as much water I can and get out of here . " He took every water bottle in the store and some of instant noodles and placed it in his bag . " This water will last at least 2 month if I drink 1 litre a day ." He went to his apartment and placed every food item and water in the refrigerator . " Now I should go and check for cars ." He went to west direction but couldn't find a car. " I should go no further . There is city there . Oh sh*t ! I forgot about finding Eve . She might have went to a different city till now . How can I signal her that I am here . There is smoke everywhere so I could not use fire to tell her I am here . Gun Shots didn't do a anything . There should be a way ."

"There should be a way to message Eve . She might not have gone far enough . I have to find a way . Maybe a flare gun . But that kind of thing is only kept by special person . I can't find a flare gun in town . Maybe I should not get my hopes up . I think we will never meet . We will try to find each other , but can not . "

He jumped on his bike and saw a ring of smoke coming up from the forest . " Is it forest fire !" , exclaimed Lee . "No, maybe it could be a way of Eve telling me that she is in the forest . Let's go to the forest and check for Eve . " 

He went to his apartment and took his bag and went to the forest . " Why haven't I thought it that there is no pollution in forest , I could have gone there and started a fire and Eve could easily find me. Eve is pretty smart . "

He got inside the forest and the forest was so dense that the Lee was barely able to see the smoke . "There should be no wild animals here ."
As he was going towards smoke , He was now able to see the fire and He had a smile on his face and had tears in his eyes . "Finally" . 

As he reached the fire , he saw blood near the fire and no one else was there.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Exclaimed Lee as he fell on ground .
Lee wakes up .
"Where am I . Oh right , I went into the forest and saw blood near the fire and there was no trace of Eve and then I collapsed . But I collapsed in the forest , how come I am in a room . " 
He stood up and went to the door and tried to open it . It was not opening . He banged the door . "Hey if it is you Eve , then open up the door . I am not here to harm you . " , said Lee .

"Who is Eve ?" , a strange voice came from the outside . "Hey are you Eve ?" , exclaimed Lee in joy. "I asked who is Eve you ****" . "Oh , you would not understand who Eve is , I called the last woman on the Earth Eve ." 
"How did you know about my existence ."
"Oh that , I saw you pass by me when I was in the convenience store. "
"You idiot , then you should have yelled at me . I would have stopped ."
"I couldn't , there was a gang of dogs following you ." 
"Oh that time, Okay I understand. "
" But how did you know about my- . Wait why was there blood beside the fire . I thought that someone killed you ."
"Oh that , that was the blood of some other animal . It tried to attack me but he got killed .I have killed a bunch of dogs too , you know that were following me ."
"Oh yeah , but now can I get out . Its suffocating here ."
"No you can't , you had weapons so I think you are dangerous ."
"But you also had weapon , or else you couldn't have killed an animal ."
"That was for self-defense ."
"Mine was also for self-defense ."
"How could I know that?" 
"I am not dangerous Eve." 
"Hey , stop calling me Eve , I am Emma and you ?"
"Oh hi Emma , I am Lee . Nice to meet you ."
"Ok , nice to meet you too , Lee . "
"Then will you let me get out . " 
"No , you might kill me ."
"Why would I kill you , you are the only human left on Earth beside me . I would want you to survive longer than me ."
"Ok , but there will be some ground rules . When I am sleeping , you would be locked in this room , and ..... That's it . This will be the only rule . " 
"Ok , I accept it ."

Emma opens the door

"Oh my you are beautiful ." , exclaimed Lee . "And you look fine too , better than I expected." , said Emma . "Oh , thanks . But will you tell me how did you end up being the only woman on the Earth ." , asked Lee . 

"Ok , listen ." 

I was so obsessed with drugs that I was going to die . One day I collapsed and then the moment I woke up I saw a woman asking me if I want to survive as the last woman on the Earth . At first I was scared that if I will be last woman on the Earth there will be so many man around me so I refused it . But she kept going that if would not trade , my life will end and I didn't wanted to die so I traded with her but as soon as I woke up I saw fire everywhere and there was no one to be found , I couldn't find even a single man . It was a relief for me , but I kept thinking that the woman kept telling me that I will be the last woman on the Earth so I figured a perfect theory for it - that there is another last man on the Earth . And I was right , there is a last man on the Earth . Another of my theory is that there is a last boy and a last girl here too . 

"What ! Last boy and last girl . Are you serious!" , exclaimed Lee . "I don't know . It is just a theory. But it would have been nice if it was true ." , said Emma . "If it was true , than the boy or girl would not have been able to survive more than a week ." , said Lee . 
"How can you be so sure ?" , asked Emma . 
"They will be so small that they would not even realize that they are alone . They would go crying about not having their mom and dad . " , said Lee. 
"You might be right , but there is still a possibility . ", said Emma . 
"Well , yeah ." , said Lee .

"So how much food and water do you have ?" , asked Lee.
"I just have food and water that was in your bag . I don't have anything else." , said Emma . 
"So how were you living till date . ", asked Lee .
"Well I was able to find a convenience store but than the store was chased by the dogs and I had to get out of it and after that I was just roaming around ." , said Emma. 
"Okay , so now we have to find a perfect place with electricity , water and food . What can that be , a five star hotel ?" , said Lee. 
"No , a five star hotel might be on fire . There are various reasons for it , the gas might be left on , curling irons might be left on , it is not the perfect choice ." , said Emma . 
"Then lets go outside and check for it .", said Lee .

They went outside and sat on a bike . 
"Why are you going on a different bike ?" , asked Emma . 
"It is just that I have never went on a bike with a woman except my mom . " , said Lee . 
"Oh that , but you know we have to save fuel so hop on . " , said Emma . 
"Okay", said Lee.

Now they were roaming here and there but couldn't find a perfect place . 
"Maybe we should live in jungle ." , said Lee.
"No , it is not the best idea . I was about to die in jungle . We could live in a convenience store ." , said Emma . 
"But it is very hard to find a convenience store in the outskirts of the city . " , said Lee . 
"We should keeping looking for it ." , said Emma .

They continued there search in the hot sunlight and finally they found a big convenience store .

After finding a convenience store , they started living their . Emma forgot about the deal with Lee and they started living happily but after 2 months electricity cut down and now they had to spend their entire life without electricity . But after 3 months eatable items in the store were finished so they moved out of the store and went to another store . Most of the things in that store were expired and they smelt so bad that they decided not to stay there and took as much water bottles as they can and then they started living in a forest , but the forest was full of animals . They started making weapons out of rock . They had some matchsticks to start fire . They survived there for quite a bit and one day good news came . Emma was pregnant . This showed that human population will not come to an end . They both were so happy . Lee now goes to hunting alone and then they both live a happy life . 

But one day , the thing which Lee was most afraid of happened . He was being attacked by a tiger . He lit a matchstick and threw it over tiger but the tiger was too fast and then he got eaten by tiger . 

Emma was singing a song waiting for Lee but little did she knew that he was already dead . 2 days passed by , Emma was a little worried so she started looking for Lee and she saw tigers were eating some flesh . She screamed and the tigers got her too with her baby. 

© MdvRathi