

Is love after arrange marriage is really a love or compromise ? Part - 1
Part 1 :- What is love ?

Before Starting this,
Take a little pause and ask yourself :-
" What is Love according to me ? "
Think the answer and write in comment section before reading it further.

I bet most of you find it difficult to define love,
because most of us has different definitions about love which is not itself a perfect definition. Deep down most of us knows the perfect definition of love but we keep denying it cause that definition sometimes becomes painful.

In todays world, 'love' for most of us is all about needs. If our needs are satisfied by someone then we name it love and i am not talking about physical needs. For example :- if someone you claimed that you love him/her starts disagreeing with your actions and words, will you still love him/her. Sadly, No. But yeah you love him/her before because he/she satisfies your ego. And trust me it is not love.

Love is not a toxic thing. Many people I have met says that love hurts which I completely disagree. Love hurts because you have some expectations, you are loving that person to satisfy your own interest, love someone should not be a selfish phenomenon.

For me Love is a happy feeling. You can love anyone anytime whether it is living or non living. You don't want anything in return while loving someone. Instead you care them, you adore them, you try to make them happy in every situation, you solve their problems, not because you are in hope that they will love you in return its because you love them. Loving you back or not its their decision you can't implant love towards you in their brain.

And also, don't try to mix love with trust and commitment. For example :- if someone loves you it doesn't mean he/she cannot love others. And again no physical relations involved that is indeed a part of commitment.

If someone says " I love you" it doesn't mean that he/she has a commitment that he/she cannot love others. Yeah, but if you are in relationship with each other (talking about before marriage) then it automatically converts to commitment but still both are free to love others but not in the sense of physical relations.

I know its a complicated topic many of you may disagree but I think if according to my definition if two people love each other then there will be 0% chance that they fall in love with some other entity.

Please express your views in comment section.

End of Part One.

© DopaManiac