

Love Yourself First
Dearest Reader,

Human as we are, we are born to love and be loved. who doesn't like to be cared and pampered by the people surrounding us? We even strive to do things that will please others more than of our own. Sacrificing, indulging and even humble ourselves for the sake of expressing our Love to those we think felt the same towards us and value our existence in their life.
As one grows older such emotion becomes complicated, giving you different thoughts about it through various means, whether one is aware or not, it alters his perception over his emotions and how he sees everything. Good and bad experiences either helps you or destroys you.
Most people thought about it as a natural phenomenon that two people meet each other, fell in love and decide to move forward. In most cases it isn't that simple sometimes it is more complex than the word complex mean.
You see, not all people are lucky enough to make sound judgments and decide whom to be with. There are occassions that we fool ourselves because of our eagerness and excitement of what is being offered and you immediately decide to jump into it and later realize it was a mistake. Well some mistakes and accidents in relationships often turned out to be challenges to overcome; while few of it are just redirecting you to see more about life and learn to accept facts.
Never the less, Love is always stimulated but numerous factors that are sometimes people are too ashamed to admit to themselves.
Why do you think most women like to read romance novels?
The answer is simple, it is a get away. It is a world where their dream of meeting the one true love in grandious introductions and background exist.
A man who is rich, powerful, hot, intelligent all adjectives in one...with a cold character but madly in love and eventually turned soft because of HER.
Do you even wonder as well if there is one author who wrote about an ugly couple turned the world upside down with their love for each other?
You know the answer. Most people wanted to create a perfect couple in a perfect world like a fairytale story. It isn't impossible but it is very rare. Even love stories have their struggles making the plot more exciting and almost near to reality.
Only that stories, novels, movies and comics became a sudden escape from reality. Oftentimes reality doesn't work that way. Half of the society enjoys love while the other half regrets and love turns to hate, lost and needed time to heal their broken hearts. Only that men and women see things differently and treat their pain differently. One thing to be sure of, lust can satisfy needs but cannot provide contentment for ages.
Once a person turn into an adult he understands that Love and sex are often inseperable. For overly romantic couple it is how they expresses their intense feelings for each other. There is nothing wrong with it although it is basically criticized because of tradition and culture practices with the thought that marriage should comes first and that ones virginity, particularly women, should reserve its value for her husband. Although, not all men are worth the wait and reservations you made.
Who the hell on earth can tell you that you married the right man?
Nobody. Unless you grow old with him or you did the " til death do us part" thing.
Well, it is yours to decide. The point is having a window shopping of multiple partners is unacceptable not because it is making you a whore or a manwhore but medically speaking, the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases and your dignity. You have to think of your dignity as a person and self respect is very important. You just throw yourselves just because you feel good doing it. You know you are far from being an animal thus, you have the power to control yourself not to indulge on things you will come to regret when everything comes to ruins. Self preservation is important and much more seeking guidance from the creator to guide you. To give you the will to see yourselves free from your over rated swollen emotion to that person in front of you but as someone you can be friends with so long as you both shall live... To love and be loved is a choice not an opportunity, take time cause only time can tell if its worth risking your life and future.

I hope and pray this will help you.
Love you to the moon and hope you'll love me back. Hugs. and kisses dear reader.
© scorpio13