

Odisha story series part II: Food and Dhokha.
Unlike most people, the main attraction of Odisha wasn't its temples, for me, it was the food.

I have been pretty excited to taste and see for myself if the fight over Rosogolla is even worth it or if the hype for Chhenapoda is justified. I have always wondered how 2 polar opposite things like dahi (curd) and aloodum (potato in gravy) would taste like when they leave behind their indifferences and embrace eachother. I wanted to see if pakhala really helps you from melting for the sun.

The food hunt experience in Odisha didn't go as planned and was fairly disappointing for sure but there were surprises and they made my Odisha visit worth it.

Starting with Rosogolla, I'm sorry Odisha, Bengal's rosogolla is just so so so much better. Yours are too sweet and aren't as spongy.

Don't be a racist. White isn't always the best. Make your way for the dusky-brown Chhena Poda. It had a perfect balance of sweetness. Wasn't too dry, pretty moist actually. I have never been a fan of them but whoa, now I am.

Next up DahiVada-Aloodum. Dahi? you thought it's a vada dipped in Dahi right? Nope. It's a vada dipped in the watery remains of Dahi. The vada is bland, tasteless and the aloodum is spicy, overpowering anything else there is. Panivada-aloodum. Don't let them decieve you.

But the star of the show is Matka-Kulfi. I scream Icecream and I found this kulfi stall in the roadside of Puri. I had already eaten 3 icecreams so I had to settle for half. And it was heavenly. I have never eaten a kulfi creamier than that. If I ever go back to puri, it will be for that kulfi.

© TheMaskedIdiot

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