

The Never Triangle
Intro: for the front of the book.
Draft 8

Hi my name is Evelyn I'm a time traveller, I'm stuck in time and I'm trying to find my way back to wear I began.
At a time when I once belonged in a world were I felt loved, by a man called Ivor who is an angel trapped in The Never Triangle, which fell from the sky the night before I sat under the old oak tree.
When that day came, I sat beside the tree reading The Runaway Angel, which was given to me by Eros (The God of love)on the day I was born, as I found out later on on my 20th Birthday when I found a letter hidden in the book saying that one day I will find my true love.
So I am here to fix history, so that the book falls into the right hands.

The Never Triangle

The beginning of heaven.

Chapter 1
On that beautiful day in the summer of 1985 I sat under an old oak tree in my favourite park reading,
The Runaway Angel, a story about Ivor who was an angel trapped in the wrifts of time, between heaven the living and the devils ditch, with a diamond necklace to give to his betrothed.
The necklace was once found by Eros the god of love and was passed on to Ivor.
I read on as I felt the warmth of the sun warm my soul.
I saw three shining jewels glaring at me as I read.
I pulled at the Saphire which was on a gold chain with two other precious stones on it,
What I saw was a gold necklace, the Saphire had the word love engraved on the back the Emerald meant Jealousy and The Ruby death.
I continued pulling until the whole necklace was retrieved, I draped the chain around my neck and fastened it at the back.
The sheer beauty of it stunned me, especially the Saphire which shone the most.
I rubbed the Saphire against my delicate skin, with a sudden gasp I saw a hand appear out of the book that was sitting on my lap.
I stood up in surprise and bewilderment, I looked around to make sure that no one was watching me, still holding the book.
The hand usherd me in, I grabbed the hand as it pulled me into the book of The Runaway angel a paranormal world.
Not knowing whether I would see my world again.
I woke from a conscious sleep, I rubbed my blury eyes to find myself beside a strange figure.
Next to me lay a wounded Angel still holding my hand.
I stood up in shock!
Looking down at this motionless figure.
I screamed at the sight of what lay before me a man with broken wings and blood gushing from his mouth.
I checked to see if he was still breathing,
I knelt beside him,
He gave a sudden gasp as though to draw his last breath.
As my lips touched his, time shifting dust entered his lungs a loud gasp of breath caught the angel as he awoke.
He opened his eyes with a stunned glance, scared and shaking, edging away from me,
Please don't be scared I mean you know harm.
He looked at me with glazed eyes!
Replying, Who are you?
Such a beauty beside me, our eyes met.
And what are you!
You are not like me!
Where are your wings?
You are not a she devil!
You are to beautiful for that!
I am a time shifter from the planet Zafar I was summoned by a profit named Gustav.
His hands reached out to hold my face!
My name is Ivor.
You must be the chosen one, Ethos told me on my 20th birthday that you will be my betrothed,
You must be Evelyn!
He sat up and pulled me closer, our lips met again,
Feelings aroused between us.
You saved me from the Devils claw,
I am stuck here in this wrift known as the living point at the root of the old oak tree.
Eros must have given you the book, You have my necklace, I saw you as The Never Triangle fell from the sky.
You were reading my book under the old oak tree.
That book is the only escape we have out of the Never triangle so we must keep it safe or you will die in this world.

Chapter 2
The journey to the living Kingdom.

During their passionate moments in the outer rim of the dark forest time shifting dust entered Ivor's system and healed his wounds.
Ivor and Evelyn got to there feet to survey their surroundings, what they saw was a vast forest of tree routes which were thick and stumpy with doors built into them.
Ivor suggested we explore the dark forest,
We need to find some food to keep our strength up and a safe place to rest our heads for the night.
Yes let's do that, I would like to find out what sort of creatures live in those tree routes.
We began walking through the forest Ivor walked in front of me,
I heard a strange russeling noise coming from behind me as if there was someone watching us,
I looked over my shoulder but there
was no one there, I turned back to Ivor to reach out for his hand
He pulled me closer and kissed me on the forehead, don't be scared, I will keep you safe from harm.
At that point I felt safe that I wasn't alone.
As we continued walking we could see a flashing light and could hear muttering in the distance, the muttering got closer and closer until at the last moment a short man with large pointed ears and a very angry expression on his face confronted us in a very abusive manner.
Pushing us to the ground with a single blow with his fists.
He spoke in a deep gruffled tone "What creatures are you;
Roaming this forest in the dead of night.
The Troglin spat at them in disgust.
We are not evil creature's, this is Ivor he is an Angel and I am Evelyn a Time shifter from the planet Zafar.
The Troglin shone his torch at us so he could study us in detail you are correct I see.
My name is Olgar I am the head watchman I watch over the deep forest to prevent evil creatures from entering the living Kingdom to keep king Utha and his Kingdom safe from Evil monsters like Drake.

© Suzanne Valiantis