

Dear Father!
Dear Father,

I have my days in which I'm thankful that you didn't see how I turned out, and then I have those days in which I truly wish I could have gotten to know you instead of through other people's memories.
I wish I could have gotten to sit down across a table from you and had a really good conversation, shared a laugh or two and fill you in how my life has turned out.

here recently it hasn't been the best. however, I'm making the best of it. I've played the field, had. my share of excitement, stories that I carry with me, and the many ways that I've actually experienced personal growth.

The 23rd of September was your birthday I celebrated by going to your grave. If only I could rewrite history I would though I kind of wonder how my life would have turned out. Would I have kids of my own and a wife? I would have loved to have gotten to know your history, your life before you met my mother, And what was your inspiration to work in the flea market. things that I will never know.

I must say I appreciate the fact that you married my mother. You definitely made a wise a choice and I could definitely picture both of you growing old together if that was a possibility within this reality.

I'm often told that I'm very much like you, that I share some of the characteristics that you did and that my heart is just like yours!
Happy heavenly birthday father! you'll always be in my thoughts and I hope that your beside mother right now especially since she needs you!

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!