Free Your Body An Yoga It
#WriteStoryPrompt50 #InternationalYogaDay
Write a story on how yoga helps to heal your mind, body, soul and connects people with the nature. Oh I took a class on relaxation therapy. And yo go
and getting in tune with your body
is part of that. plus you can move better
then I ever could before. So much stress
and pain. yoga helps me and many others
forget and distress in times of very high amounts of pain. which are pored on to
me and I got to get it off of me. So I
take my mind out of the stress. And focus on what my teacher is telling
me to relax my mind body and outlook
to come out of class shining. Online
yoga and free classes at library will
help you all you know to get it together.
© marwrote
Write a story on how yoga helps to heal your mind, body, soul and connects people with the nature. Oh I took a class on relaxation therapy. And yo go
and getting in tune with your body
is part of that. plus you can move better
then I ever could before. So much stress
and pain. yoga helps me and many others
forget and distress in times of very high amounts of pain. which are pored on to
me and I got to get it off of me. So I
take my mind out of the stress. And focus on what my teacher is telling
me to relax my mind body and outlook
to come out of class shining. Online
yoga and free classes at library will
help you all you know to get it together.
© marwrote