

✨Memorable thought✨
It's a rainy season, the clouds are black and I saw no sunshine that day,with coffee on my table I started thinking about the day which is still memorable...I had one book in which I use to write down the most memorable thoughts,I started turning the pages and I saw a picture which I had captured on that memorable day,...
some year's ago it was the same season,i step out to the market with my mom,I saw many people's screaming,shouting and selling many items,... I'm the person who loves silence,but that noise ruined my mind,I felt unconscious, suddenly when I saw two people's fighting for that one pumpkin which is huge in size,all the people's gathered there, whoever is trying to stop them they use to fight even more,when all are Busy in gazing there stupidity,I started ruminating about the human beings are those who are heartless, only think about themselves, greedy too,...I thought that they both can share half of pumpkin,but they didn't,they just need it in any cost,even the shop keeper is not interfering in their matter but he is enjoying thier combat, instead of explaining them what to do,... suddenly it started raining so heavily, they all rushing to the safe place where they hide themselves from being wet,me and my mom decided to leave for home, finally our shopping is completed,we didn't travelled in vehicle because we thought today there will be no raining some time ago we saw sun shining up there, but this suddenly rain made us wet and unable to walk on those mud roads,I saw a small kid who is playing in the rain and his parents who are selling coffee at there balcony of their hut,the man who is handicap he is unable to walk and his wife is very thin and suffering from malaria,the small kid who is hungry and very slim too,is just playing in the rain with his small sis,me my mom decided to stay there till the raining stops,...my mom ordered 2 coffees and some biscuits for me,my mom asked "didn't your children's go to school??the man replied "no mam we don't have enough money to send them to study we have to look after our home and should pay rents and my wife is also sick so we decided to start our little business to eat two times of food properly,I saw them they are not longing for more comfortable life, they were not complaining god,they are handling there situation even in poverty,he called his son and his little daughter and gave some slices of bread with black coffee they ate that lunch by praising the god,her wife wake up and drank water and slept no medicines for her and no breads were left to that coffee seller and her wife,...they were very happy even in this situation, whenever they talks we saw a smiley face with no pain and suffering,even that children's were not asking them for all those things which today's kids were longing,...they were just using torn pages and making them float in that rainwater in the shape of ship,I believed that time those good people's were also living in this world not all are good,and not all are bad too,I decided to help them but they denied so,each and every rainy season i use to go there hut,and drink that delicious coffee,that kids today are my students who use to come to my home and me and my mom use to teach them In learning English, coffee seller and his wife who is also helping his husband in selling coffee is alright now,her malaria is cured,yes!without medicine with love and care by his family,...I always use to remember that day when I saw those smily faces which are living in darkness but no pain, sorrow,or other negativity is looking in there faces,they all are ok with what they have,...

© Eve