

Challenge by Hexa +Weirdo +Aria
I was moving with him alone at beautiful lightened street.On the way a famous noodle shop came . We both decided to go and eat there. As noodles being my favourite dish. I was too excited to eat them . We entered the shop and ordered for special couple dish of their shop. They were most delicious noodles I ever ate . The last spoon of noodles he ate alone 😕. And next hour.....................

I was eating noodles from his hand rather than spoon. Oh sorry I forgot chopped hand was with me . And other body parts in noodles making machine .
So sad that I couldn't eat last spoon of noodles. Oh What you think I am sad for him👿.
Would you like to eat noodles with me 😈🤣
© Ruhi Mutti