

My Painting

The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember...

Always I keep the painting with me wherever I go as I love it a lot. What the hell? why I forgot my own story about my painting? I want few minutes to recall my past.

Sarah! my lovely wife!!! Oh I realized the real it was her painting who is more now. I keep the painting with me as the rememberance of my Sarah.

We lived a great life which gave jealous to several eye's. Sara is a great painter and had a huge collection. I gave all her painting to a charity after her death and keep this one alone to remember her.

She died with her premature baby due to her delivery, but always living in my heart with her painting. It was her Valentine's Day gift to me. She drew her newbie in the painting which she wants to saw. Painting was quite good, but our past???

My dear Sarah I always keep you with me as my painting. It was a dedication for our daughter and our love! Even though I miss my Sarah I never missed her painting. I slightly forgot about it due to old age memory. As I m getting old o forgot several things including Sarah and her talent.

She is a great painter and I saw her in an exhibition. We both fall in first sight which made our life as exhibition to you. Sarah's collection helping the charity which made her to smile in the portrait.
