

It has been years since we parted and continued onto our paths. We have apparently forgotten each other, if there's such a thing. I am at a party with friends, enjoying the music, dancing, laughing. It's a perfect life. It took just a song to change everything right there. It was a song I sang to you once and you loved it. I still remember that laugh, that smile and those eyes. The musician at the party started singing that song. It started beautifully, I started humming with him. Then suddenly, I started having this overwhelming feeling, an unknown fear, an anxiety, and I skipped a few heartbeats. It was uncalled-for, I couldn't understand what it was. Then I had that flashback, a fleeting faint memory. My chest started getting heavier, heartbeat rising, a choking feeling of breathlessness. I was soon out of breath, a drop of sweat appeared on the forehead. My friend looked at me, still enjoying the music, and gestured if everything was okay. I moved my neck in affirmation, wanted to say something, but was unable to speak a single word. He smiled and turned away. I was claustrophobic in this crowd and yet felt so alone. That loneliness kept growing. I looked at the sky, a tear dropped from my eye. I moved away from the crowd, convincing myself that I needed to go to the washroom. But there wasn't a single place in the world which could take away this feeling. I took out my phone, wanting to call someone, but there's no one in the whole contact list that I can call. The music got louder, and I took advantage of that noise. I screamed at the top of my voice. I closed my eyes. all that anxiety was suddenly gone and I was now filled with a saddening feeling and extreme tiredness.
© The heart bones