

The Attack
I know it's hard when you got to the monkey on your back attacking you every day!
As soon as they wake up!
The first thing on the mind!
Is how can attack this person and hide who there are? Thinking daily how can I make people look at this person like he or she ain't shit!
When in reality it's them? Nine times out of ten the person they talking about is doing far better, than the ones that are doing all the accusing.
Every day they try to figure out how to gang up and attack them every day because there are jealous of them.
Thinking how can they "(sabotage, stalk, harass, manipulate ) people to deceive people think they are the worst person on the planet.
When it's them...because there mad
With me had a fallout with them and instead of moving on with their life, they hold on by attacking them every day what a narcissistic.
I hate to think they might be happy,
without my ass.
So I work hard every day stalking following them around got all there sorry as friends watching them too help put them in a bad predicament,
So they can make it seem like it's him or her with the problem when it's them.
All they care about is trying to express them so they can laugh about them having to struggle with problems they did unto them.
They wouldn't be in it if they weren't under attack!
Every narcissist thinks
Am smarter than everybody, got all these smart dummies attacking a person for me,
so I'll get away from the consequences of my actions... What's funny is the people helping me
don't even know, I don't give a rat's ass about them either.
I hope they don't found out...
So From sun up into sundown they watch, stalk, taunt and severely attack them with words of slander point out everything they do they that they don't approve of when you shouldn't be there are living life according to their life circumstance.
© Quethedon