

I Got You (Part 3)
Part 3

Hometown success

It was the first day of Raghav in Bangalore after his law degree from Delhi. His father threw a party to celebrate the occasion. He invited the work-related people and many relatives to show off his son’s achievement with a swelling chest. Raghav was the first lawyer in his generation and his younger brother was in line to make it happen in 2 years. His father was feeling proud and happy and wanted nothing more than the success of his both sons.

Raghav’s Dad was the owner of the most prestigious law firm in Bangalore. He is famous for his social works too. He has a separate firm dedicated entirely to helping those who cannot afford lawyers for their cases or wanted a settlement outside the court for their own betterment. He was a reputed figure in the law family of the state and had an aura of power and intelligence. When Raghav told him to earn a law degree just like him, which was the moment he always wanted to live. He never gave any pressure on his children to do what he wanted and always encourage them to pursue their own dream. But the environment in which they grow up tilted both of them toward the law without any other doubt.

“Congratulation Raghav. Now you are one of us.” His dad’s coworker said with a loud laugh.

“Thank you, Mr Nagar,” Raghav replied.

“So… What you decide to do. When you going to take over your Father’s Company.” He said and laughed again. ‘Stupid jerk.’ Raghav said to himself and forced a smile on him.

“My dad is going to rule this state for 50 more years, Mr Nagar. But I appreciate your concern for my future and I want to make sure that you don’t have to worry about it.” Raghav’s voice was sharp and clear to make his point clear for people with some minds.

“Ohh, that’s really good to hear. I am sure your father has big plans for you.”

“Sure he has. Excuse me” Raghav cut him in middle and ran away from the conversation.

“Dad needs no alcohol tonight for being high. The smell of your degree is enough drug to do that” Raghav’Raghav’s younger brother said while preparing a death mixture of different kinds of alcohol for himself. Raghav was never able to understand his brother’s weird alcohol taste. He was sitting near the bar, half dozed off because of the whisky in his system and watching his little brother enjoying the party in his own way. Mix drink, bottle up, get high, dance on the floor, sober and repeat the cycle again.

“I hate these people, you know. They all are just morons” Raghav said in a half sleepy tired voice.

“Well, what to say. We are on the same path bro.” Raghav’s brother said with a chuckle. “Come on. Drink” He offered a glass of his poison to Raghav “Tonight is your night. Enjoy. We are all proud of you bro. You make dad really happy. He is like talking about you since the party started. I never saw him that happy before.” He said and drink one more glass.

“Raman, if you throw up after this, I am not going to sit in the toilet with you again.” Raghav Frowned.

“Don’t worry brother. Not going to happen” And he went, again to dance for the next 15 minutes.

Raghav sighed and stood from his seat and walked towards the balcony. It was a late night but the party was in full mood. Outside the balcony, there was a large lawn, well maintained and had a different variety of flowers and well-trimmed bushes lining the walls and the mid path. The sky was clear with only a few stars and a half-moon peeking through a small white cloud. The wind is cool and calming soothing the heating effect of all drinks in his body. Raghav took a deep breath and lean on the railing of the balcony with closed eyes. He felt a hand on her shoulder from the back and turned to face his dad with a genuinely big smile on his face.

“What are you doing here? Party is inside my son” His dad said pointing towards the inside house.

“Dad, you know I am not a party lover. I like here more with some less noise.” Raghav said with a chuckle.

“You should learn how to yourself enjoy from your brother. He is a total party animal.” His dad chuckled and took a deep breath and place a hand on his shoulder “I am proud of you my son. You proved me right.” There are tears in his eyes. Raghav looked at his dad and hugged him.

“Dad. Please, stop crying like a little baby every time. Gosh, I can’t believe you are the same person who makes the judges piss in pants while hearing.”

“Well, in court, I behave like a Stud lawyer. Here, I am a single father who is overwhelmed by his son’s success” He said wiping his tears and tilting her head up proudly and grinning.

“I just got a degree dad. Nothing special. I still have to find a job to make it fruitful” Raghav rolled his eyes and chuckled.”

“Job. You are the eldest son of the owner of a law firm. And you are worried about a job.” He frowned.

“Dad. I am not going to work under you. I want to learn everything with real experiences as a young, new, inexperienced lawyer who has to struggle every day to make an impression on clients and in court. I don’t want to be known as your son but by my own name. If I want respect, I will earn it without using your name.”

“You have no plan to leave home. Me. Right?” His dad asked with a raised brow. “I you said yes, I will definitely cry like a baby right now”

“Dad.” Raghav laughed “You are so dramatic. I am not leaving you. I still need a roof on my head. I know how expensive this city is. I may not want your name in my career, but need you as my dad to tolerate my expenses until I start to make good money.”

“In that case, I have no problem. And if you are not able to grab any job. You still have your own firm to accept you as an intern.” His dad shrugged his shoulders. “Anyway, I have some guest left to rant about how good my sons are.”

“Enjoy.” He laughed and saw his dad mingled in the crowd inside the house.

After 1 month, Raghav applied for the job in a tech company as a junior legal consultant and got a job very easily as they wanted to fill the spot immediately Raghav was quite an impressive personality by nature and has good knowledge about everything they need in an eligible candidate. The job was good, the company was good, he was enjoying the work and stress and the pay is also good. Raghav tried hard to hide his family background but failed just after 2 months of his job when a friend of his dad came to his workplace for a meeting with the CMO of the company. Raghav tried his best to hide from him but all the hard work failed when the CMO called him to his office with all the company data to present in front of the person he did not want to meet. He recognized him and tell the CMO who he was and then it was not a secret anymore for any person working in the office with him.

Raghav worked hard to make his own identity under his dad’s name. He wanted to prove to everyone that he is not just the son of one of the best lawyers but a better lawyer himself. In 6 months, Raghav had a reputation as a lawyer in the office, not as the son of a big lawyer. He proved himself worthy to respect and an important asset to the company. He managed big cases now with his seniors and study every point in-depth with every detail provided before making any statement. Raghav’s every word, related to work was considered an important document and his seniors started to depend on him for nearly every case and legal work-related issue. He was enjoying his job and his influence on people and was happy to know that now he was not the elder son of a rich lawyer anymore. He was Advocate Raghav Ahuja, a junior consultant who has his seniors on his fingers.

“Hey, Big brother” Raman had a sad look on his face when he entered Raghav’s room. It was a lazy Sunday early afternoon. Raghav was sitting at his desk lost in a big fat book filled with law-related things in tiny font of print. He waved his hand towards Raman and dismissed him. Raman pouted to his brother and said louder this time “I said hey big brother”

“Raman, I heard what you said. But I don’t have a second to listen to stupid stories about your mistakes. I have an important issue to take care so just get out.” Raghav said without looking at his brother. He knew what this tone, expressions and words mean. Raman used to do the same whenever to do anything stupid or nearly illegal so Raghav could save his ass from the problem and then from their dad.

“It’s Sunday. Only boring people do work on Sunday.” Raman whined and sat on the bed. “One year in Job and you became like this. God, help my brother.” He said with a groan.

“What do you want?” Raghav turned her chair to look at his brother with little frustration. He was already tired from the work and now his brother is here with something not so important. “Money? Permission for a night out? Escape from cops? Or maybe one of your friends wants a free lawyer for some boring family drama settlement.” Raghav counted everything on his fingers and then fold his hands against his chest.

“Nothing from your list.” Raman pouted. “But yeah, money. Yes. I can accept that. But I want something else.” Raman stood up and walked towards his brother and put his hands on his shoulder. “Tomorrow, my brother is your birthday. I hope you remember that?” he asked with a stoic face. “Or you lawyers just love to remember court dates only?”

“Yeah. I… I… actually forgot.” Raghav looked down, exhausted. He ran his right hand in his hair and sighed. “I was so busy with these things and just forgot everything else.”

“Don’t worry bro… I am here to take care of these things.” Raman smiled and grab a chair to sit on. “So… I organized a party for your birthday at a pub. Everything was good and ok, everything was settled down. And then…” Raman stopped and start to scratch the back of his neck while wandering her eyes here and there.

“And then what Raman, What did you do?” Raghav asked. “Spill the beans, please” He was agitated.

“Well, I thought I cover everything and I was ready for a grand party you know, to surprise you on your birthday. But then…” he looked nervous and scared.

“Raman, tell me what happened? I will help to fix it but please tell me everything first.”

“Then I remembered that I forgot to order a cake from your favourite bakery” Raman chuckled to see the angry expression on his brother’s face. He groaned and shoved his face in her palms. “I caught you,” he said and laughed.

“You are a jerk. Get out of my room” Raghav shouted and Raman leave the room laughing. “Be free for tomorrow night,” Raghav mumbled something and get back to his work.

In 6 year long career Raghav became a name in the corporate world. There was no one to compete with his knowledge and mind games he played to catch the right thing at right time in front of everyone’s eye. He started his own legal firm to establish himself as a successful corporate lawyer and his firm was growing at a fast pace. His dad was proud of him and wanted to hand over his own empire to him at right time. Raghav’s young brother started to work with him as an intern, after finishing his law in his firm. He learned everything so fast with the help of his brother and became the best after his brother.

After making his firm stable, Raghav handed over the firm to his little brother and joined a tech company as a legal advisor and consultant and shifted to Delhi. He wanted to start his life again with some old people he knew by heart. It was a tough decision but seems like the right one at that time with all the changes that happened in his life in the past 3 years.

Raghav rented an apartment in Mahrauli, which is 20 minutes away from his workplace located at Saket. Raghav throw a big party after shifting and invited everyone he was able to contact after a long time. At his party, where he met Manvi first time. He did not want to but could not hold him to not noticing her there. He was not here to make mistakes. He was not here to ruin everything again.
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