

Book of Truths- Scandal
Diary Series 2

Dear Diary,

My parents were a lawyer. They always want me to act properly, dress accordingly and be friends with a person that won't harm or stain our name.

How am I supposed to be friends with them when they feel uncomfortable being with me. They don't want me. They see my parents as high, ruthless, and an untouchable family of lawyers.

I thought I'll never get to have a friend but I met Liam. He was a nice person, handsome and rich but other than that he's nothing. My parents won't be pleased if they'll found out I'm hanging out with him. He may be rich but his actions are impulsive.

One night, he told me to sneak out to our house and come with him to a party. He was so persuasive and I'm scared he'll leave me and be left with no one again. I was left with no choice but to go with him. I successfully sneaked out on our house through his help.

The party was a blast. Loud music, smoke, crowded, alcohols, and outfits that I never imagined.

The scene was already enough reason to go home. I won't fit in this crowd and my parents would throw a fit on me when they find out. But Liam pulled my hand and drag me to his friend's table.

I uncomfortably sit beside him. Things started to change when they surprisingly chat with me. They handed me a glass of liquor, the crowd was overwhelming to say no.

I didn't expect that one drink, that one night and that one fun would ruin my whole life.

Days later after that night, the big news was flashed all over the internet. How I wish it was just news of me going to a bar. But it wasn't. It was news enough of me and my family to be shamed, disgusted, and ruined.

The day after that night in the party, I woke up on an unfamiliar bed, sore, dizzy, and saw a man beside me, it was Liam.

I thought after what happened that night will remain a secret between the two of us. But I was wrong, the whole night was photographed by him and his friends.

They planned it out all this time. The drink I have drunk that night was mixed with drugs. I was a fool to believe them.

If I just follow my parent's order, I wouldn't have ended this way. What am I supposed to do with my life? I can see people's judgment through their eyes, faces, and action.

© Writes40

I'm not against the people who go to parties or clubs, my story doesn't mean to tell people that it's dangerous hanging out with friends. The first one is, Get to know who you are being friends with. Second, if you're new to an environment of parties and you feel like you can't take care of yourself well better go home. Third, to the parents who are too strict with their children stop controlling them even if you meant the best for them because it'll cause them either two things to be rebellious or shallow. Fourth, let's stop criticizing the people who have scandals. I'm not saying normalizing about it but instead of respect their privacy, want or don't want to be a video on what they do. still, they didn't intend to share it with you.