

I started the day strong.
Good, right?
Well, not bad, that's for sure.

I chose to do a rather difficult, albeit necessary task. I chose to an entire block of biostat mcqs. I actually wanted to do 3, hah! Having done at most 20 questions a day for the last several weeks, I was clearly delusional. I had already paid another thousand dollars to extend my exam date, but clearly I lacked any and all discipline to justify the expense. A fool in need is a fool indeed, and very easily departed from his money.

As expected, things did not go as planned, not even a little. The going was tough. I was not tougher. I didn't anticipate the negative impact of mental detraining.

As if on autopilot, I dejectedly crawled back into withdrawal, gaming endlessly, angered into accessing my ultimately corrupting copium, yet again seeking comfort in escapism, all the while knowing that the morning Fajr uselosity would hit even harder.

A good day, off to a great start, ending so badly it would be comical, were it not so tragic.

© Laddies & Journeylmen