

The beauty of the cross
The beauty of the cross the crucifixion was a horrible death that comes out of men's hearts and mind the excruciating pain they pierced nails through Jesus his hands and the feet, breathing was unbearable, he had to lift up for every breath he took and the horrible things Jesus went through before crucifixion John one of the disciples closest to Jesus he did not even recognize the Lord, he was beaten so badly, then they laid that heavy wooden cross upon the Lord, he was badly beaten and great loss of blood and he was very weak the weight of the cross would hit against the cobblestones in the street making it even more agonizing pain his cross was stained with his blood I imagine in the mind of the Lord he could see beyond the cross and thought I'll do this for them because I love them there are many things that sin does to us it warped our thinking and mind we cannot think clearly it's a sad thing when people tell me over the years they don't want to have nothing to do with Jesus they're missing everything what Jesus did on his cross for them without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins Jesus did everything for us he bared the cross and endure the pain and he paid the price for us to have eternal life.