

A dream 🏵️

I was very active on social media those days . I used to sleep at 3am . One day my senior asked me for a night out. He just asked me what I actually need . Although he considers me as his sister, and I know him very well . So I said yes for it. But that was either the best and the worst decision I made .

After few days we had a small celebration in our school for students. I was preparing kids what to say at stage when I saw him. He was looking aggressive , dull yet cute for me . I asked him something about the celebration and he ignored me . What the heckk! this was the first time when someone ignored me. I felt very bad and just left the place where he was standing.

At night I got to know that he know that I went for a night out with boys . Now it was my turn to react . I was about to say something when he blocked me . What is this behaviour dude ? I cried very hard that night and didn't go to school next day.

When I was pretending I'm fine by staying at home , one of his friends messages me . He said " It was your fault and you should feel sorry. Anyways he wants to meet you . Come at the Cinema , we want to talk to you " . Okay broda , I'm comin'

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