

Larona's dairy part 3
Dear: Diary
I went to the clinic and it when I found I was pregnant so later I told my parents,my father was very and he didn't talk to me for five months.Tanu went to labour so she was upstairs in my bedroom so I went downstairs to call my father but I fell down and then I was rushed to the hospital too.i had to deliver my baby to be out of danger so I delivered a baby girl and she was very small.After giving birth I went to coma and my family spent their Christmas and New year crying for me.On 24February2017 I woke up and I was dying to meet my daughter and she was still in a bottle fighting for her life.I named her Saloni Warona Haki.My baby was so beautiful.I had to drop out of school and be at hospital with my daughter even I was suspended for being pregnant.Warona was growing and she came back home.Tanu gave birth to a baby girl called Gangaa Priyanka Chopra so we were looking after our daughters together.I wished handsome was here to see his daughter.One day we went to Mumbai for holiday and it when I met............
to be continued
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