

Denying Self to Be Able to Carry My Cross Part 1
Oh how hard is it for a spiritual dead person to bring themselves back to life? Here is why we have to start our salvation with asking, because we cannot save ourselves, we need the Saviour.
However, even when we do come back to life, this mortal existence is headed towards death. This is why we seek total salvation, since He is the Eternal Self-Existent Saviour, Whom we were created to function just like before self found it's own will. Now we have to train our senses towards His will that none should perish but come to desiring, thinking, and functioning right, so we can live eternally.
So, we have our own selves that has hindered us from becoming equal to God in functionality. But, why did God created us to function just like Him in the first place?
As God created the man to in His image to function just like Him, He said the statement about him, which shows the core reason for God creating humanity: "It is not good that man should be alone!"
So, we are here to have a relationship with Him, and this makes total sense when you add that He is the love in our hearts that we love with.
It is here that it start becoming clear, God is the love in my heart, making us temples to house His Spirit of the Love of Life; so if we pervert, misuse, reject, be cruel with, or deny that love, Him, effecting everything with God's goodness and/or purity, then we have sinned against that love coming of or to our hearts, which is God; so, we have sinned against God.
So, here is the problem, we must train ourselves to love God with His goodness and purity, which constitutes us having to deny self.
for a more clearer understanding, I followed up by beginning a repeat reading in my spiritual diet:

Andrew Murray, was a minister in the later 1800's and is one of my favorite modern authors. Hope you enjoy.
Until next time, God's blessings be upon you and yours; your friend and brother, Stephen Scottt.

© Brother Stephen Scottt