

BFF's Brother
Stepping onto the slippery surface, I almost fall face first. The ice rink is completely white and some people glide on the ice effortlessly. My body tingled with excitement but also the fear of falling. I cling on the edge and slowly shift, trying to get used to the ice. People flow past me as the freezing air makes me shiver.

Time passes by, and now I somewhat skate across the ice at a slow-ish pace, still with the fear of falling inside me but also thrilled about ice skating. Feeling confident I decide to quicken my pace, forgetting that I'm on ice, I lose my balance and fall on my knees. My hand scrapes the ice and it starts to sting. Attempting to stand back up, the ice makes it difficult. “Do you need some help?”. A voice says in front of me. Their hand is held out and as I have no other choice but to grab onto it. I place my freezing hand into their warm one and they pull me up.

Standing up, I look up to see a guy. “Thanks”, I say in a nervous smile. “No worries”, he says, his fluffy, brown hair almost covering his eyes. I shift back to the exit and get off the ice. Sitting down, I check my phone. I stare annoyed at the text. ‘Sorry I can't come, I have work, I'll text you later babe’. He’s always at work, I say beneath my breath. An announcement is made, concluding that the hour is over. I go to the counter to return the skates.

Laying on the sofa, I get a message from Zoe (my best friend). ‘Hey wanna come over on Thursday?’. The message lifts my mood as I haven't been to her house in ages. ‘Okay,’ I reply. The door opens as he walks inside. I put my phone down and go over to him. “How was work?” I ask, holding onto his arm. “Alright”, he says, shaking my arm off and walking to the bathroom. I sigh and go back to the sofa. He seems less interested in me nowadays, we’ve been dating for a year.

The sun rises and I head to work. Putting on my apron, I head over to the counter to prepare food and drinks, as usual. Making drinks, serving the customers and taking orders, I notice Zoe sitting at a table and quickly rush over to her. “Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask. “Oh, just wanted to get a drink and see you,”she says. I smile at her and she does so back. “How is it with you and Matt?”, she says. “He is starting to lose interest in me”, I say disheartened. “Really, you’ve been dating for a year”, she asks confused. “Yea, I don’t know why he doesn't like me anymore”, I say, sighing. “Maybe, you can give him a gift, it’s almost Valentine's day”, Zoe states. “Maybe..”, I reply and head back to the counter.

The day passes and the morning occurs again. Getting dressed, I hear a ding coming from my phone and go to check it. ‘Hey, you can come over now’, Zoe says. ‘Ok, i'm on my way’ I answer. I hurriedly get changed and rush over to Zoe’s house, excited to spend time with her. Ringing the doorbell, I wait outside her door, the door cranks open and Zoe greets me. “How are you doing?”, she says happily. “Good, you?”, I ask. “Good too, I’ve found a movie we can watch and I've bought some snacks”, she says, closing the door.

I race to her room, place my bag on the floor and sit on her bed. “I'll go get the snacks”, she says. I nod. A minute later, she comes back and places a big bag of snacks on her bed. “That's a lot”, I say surprised by the amount of food. “Yea, I got a bit carried away when buying them”, she says smiling. She turns off the light, puts the movie on and we sit on her bed gazing at the screen.

An hour later, I was waiting for Zoe to come back from the bathroom when I hear the doorbell ring. Still waiting for her, she finally comes back. “My brother has just came in, by the way”, she says. “Oh I didn't know you had a brother”, I say. “Yea, he just came back from being in Wales for 2 months”, she says and unpauses the movie. Cleaning the rubbish away as the movie has finished, the door creaks open and someone steps inside. “What are you doing?”, a voice says. “We’ve just finished a movie, why?”, Zoe says. “Oh just asking, who’s this?”, they ask. Zoe turns around and I do too. “This is my best friend Ivy”, she says. I look up and see a tall guy. Then I realise, It was the guy who helped me when I went ice skating! “Hi”, I say in an awkward tone. He brushes his hair to reveal his sage green eyes. He smiles then leaves. “Sorry about that”, Zoe says. “It’s ok”, I say.

A few hours later I check the time, it's 6:37. “ I should go, Matt will come back soon”, I say and get up. “Ok”, Zoe says and she gets up too. Waiting at the door for Zoe to open it, Zoe’s brother comes up to me. “Im Ray, what's a pretty lady like you doing here?”, he says. “Zoe’s just invited me to come over, sorry but I’ve got a boyfriend by the way”, I say still with an awkward voice. He chuckles and then leaves. Zoe then comes and unlocks the door for me to leave. “Bye, I'll come again soon”, I say. “Ok. see you soon”, she says and waves goodbye.

Days pass by, and I meet up with Zoe multiple times, the awkwardness still being there when I see her brother but less. Morning sun is bright and I sip my coffee. Looking at the messages I got, I notice the date, it’s Valentine's day! Cheerful that I can hopefully get my boyfriend to have more interest in me. I go out shopping for his favourite perfume. Looking at the time, it’s 2:18, he should have finished work by now. ‘Meet me here’, I text him and send the location. After about 10 minutes of waiting, I check his location. Where is he? It says he’s nearby. Searching around, I spot him in the distance. Clutching onto the bag with the perfume, I make my way to him.

I drop the bag, and it hits the floor, the perfume bottle smashes to pieces. “Who is she?”, I ask my voice, stuttering. Matt looks at me in surprise. “Wait, babe I can explain”, he says unsure on what he should do. A tear rolls down the side of my face and I run back home.

Slamming the door shut, I flop onto the couch, my eyes bawling. How could he do this to me!? I thought he loved me! My body trembles and I lay there crying. Opening my eyes, I check the time it’s 1am, he’s nowhere to be found. I sit up dry from the tears. A minute later, someone bursts the door open. It’s Matt. His hair is all over the place and he smells of alcohol. “I'm breaking up with you!”, I shout at him. He steps towards me. “You're breaking up with me!”, he responds, his words slurred. “Yes, I am because you don't care about me!” I say. He pushes me and I fall onto the floor. “YOUR LITTLE-!”, he kicks me hard in the leg. I freeze, unsure what to do. He continues to kick me 8 more times. “That’s what you get”, he says and stumbles to his room. My legs and arms ache in pain and I shake. I scuffle to get up and grab my bag. The only place I can go is to Zoe’s. I fling shut the door and limp to Zoe’s house.
Eventually I make it to her house, I sit in front of her doorstep and use the remaining energy I have to knock. My eyes shut and everything goes black.

The door creaks open, causing me to wake up. I look up, my eyes squinting and see Zoe. I flinch back. “Omg, Ivy what happened!?”, she says shocked. I stand up, the bruises cover my arms and legs. Zoe puts her arms around my shoulder and I step inside her house. “Stay here, I'll get you some clothes and food”, she says. I nod. Her brother enters the room. “Here, take this and go to the bathroom to get changed”, she says handing me some clothes. “Looks like the pretty lady is back”, her brother laughs. “It’s not the time to joke around. Ray”, she says annoyed. I go to the bathroom and get changed.

Closing the bathroom door, I sit back down on the sofa and wait for Zoe to come. “Here have this”, she says, handing me some food and then sits down. “Ok now tell me what happened”, she says concerned. “I was waiting for Matt to give him a gift but then I saw his cheating…”, I mumble. “ That little rat!”, Zoes says angrily. “Oh sorry, continue”, she says. “Then I went home and fell asleep, after I woke up Matt came in and I told him that I’m breaking up with him, he got angry and pushed me, then started to kick me then he left so I came to your house”, I say. “Oh my, that explains your bruises then, I'm so sorry”, she says worried. “It’s ok”, I mutter. “Can I stay at yours?”, I ask. “Of course, you can sleep in the spare room”, she says. “Thanks”, I say and hug her. She does the same back. She then stands up and I do so as well. “Come let me show you your room”, she says. I nod and then follow her. Opening the door, we both step inside. “We never really use this room, so it’s quite clean”, she explains. I look around the white walls and the paintings around the place. “It’s really nice”, I say in fascination. “Well, it's your room now so you can do whatever you like to it”, she says smiling at me. “Ok. thanks!”, I say beaming back at her. She then proceeds to leave the room. I chuck my bag onto the floor and flop onto the bed. This is so nice- I say to myself.

My phone busses, causing me to wake up. Looking at my phone, I look at the time- it’s 2:36! How long have I been sleeping for!? I get up and tie my hair up in a swift ponytail. Closing the door behind me, I see Ray on the sofa and go up to him. “Do you know where Zoe is?”, I ask. “Oh she went out to get some food, why’d you ask pretty lady?”, he replies, winking at me. “Ok thanks..”, I respond, annoyed at the thought of my ex. Then I go to the kitchen and grab something from the fridge to snack on. Laying on the couch, I spend the next few hours on my phone.

My phone rings which makes me jump- it’s Zoe. “Hey. where have you been?”, I ask. “I went to the shops to buy some food but got stuck in traffic”, she replies sounding annoyed. “I'll be home in half an hour”, she says. “Ok”, I say and hang up. I get up and go to the living room. Looking around no one seems to be here and it’s awfully quiet so I decide to check the rooms. No one- where did Ray go? The door slams open and Ray stands there- a smell of alcohol coming from him. He staggers towards me and almost falls but I rush to help him. “Are you ok, what happened?”, I ask confused. “I just went out with my friends”, he says, his words slurred. I assist him to his room. “Let me get you some water”, I say, concerned about him. Just as I'm about to leave the room, he pins me against the wall. His hands against the wall at either side of my head. It’s like he trapped me. Baffled by his action, I look up to see his face is slightly pink. “ I know you like me, pretty lady”, he says, his breath smelling like alcohol. “ What are you saying Ray, sit down , you’re too drunk”, I answer and push him off me. “Get dressed, I'll bring you some water”, I say as I leave the room.

My heart beats rapidly and my face is slightly pink as I get a glass of water. Why am I blushing!? Entering the room, I see Ray laying in his bed. “Here’s your water”, I say and hand him the cup. “Thanks, princess”, he says, taking the cup. “Stop talking nonsense, now go to bed”, I say and close the door behind me. Sitting on the sofa, the doorbell rings. “Hey, sorry i'm late, the traffic is really bad”, Zoe says, placing the bags on the counter. “It’s ok, let me help you”. I say and start unpacking the groceries. “Where’s Ray?”, she questions. “He’s sleeping, I think he went drinking”, I say. “Oh really, he doesn't usually drink”, she replies confused. I shrug my shoulders.

The next week goes by slowly, work and work everyday. Ding! The bell goes as the last customer finally leaves. I sigh in relief, finally my shift is over. Taking off my apron, the sky is dark and looks like a black abyss , I take my bag and shut the door behind me. The chilly wind strokes my face causing me to shiver. The streetlamps light the path for me as I trod slowly home. As I cross the road I notice someone following me. It's just my imagination, I say to myself slightly frightened. Stars twinkle in the night sky like diamonds as if they are trying to get noticed.

An arm pulls my shoulder and I turn around, a man in all black with pale skin faces me. “Are you lost, lady?”, he says, his voice sounding hoarse. “Im ok, thanks”, I say uncomfortably. He stares at me. “Do you want to come with me?”, he asks and comes closer to me. “No, thanks”, I reply and lean away from him. “Oh come on, it’ll be fun”, he says grinning. “I need to get home”, I say uneasy and turn around. He grabs my shoulder and pulls me. “Come on”, he says in my ear. “I.. don't want to..-”, I stutter. Someone yanks him by the shoulder and pushes him. I turn around and see Ray. He places his arm around my shoulder. “No means no, leave my girlfriend alone”, he says angrily. Girlfriend, I'm not his girlfriend?! The guy in black gets up and leaves, muttering words as he goes. “Are you alright?”, he asks as he takes his arm off from my shoulder. “Yea, thanks”, I mumble. And we start to walk back home.

We step into the apartment and the lights turn on, the door shuts behind us.
I take my shoes off and sit down on the couch, Ray sits next to me. “Why did you call me your girlfriend?”, I ask. “Oh it was to get that creep to leave you alone, unless you want to be my girlfriend”, he grins. “Stop joking around, Ray '', I reply. “I'm not joking, I do like you”, he answers. I tilt my face away from him, how do I even respond to that?! “You're just saying that because you feel pity for me, don't you? '', I say. He sighs. “You really don't believe me”, he says. “Well it doesn't seem like anyone would like-”, before I even finish my sentence. He holds my face with his hands and pulls me. Our lips touch and I can smell his cologne. My face flushes pink. He leans away. “Will you believe me now?”, he says. I'm lost for words, that I don't even say anything but my heart beats fast. “Will you date me then, it seems like you didn't back down from the kiss”, he asks. “Well..maybe”, I say, shy. “I'll take that as a yes then”, he says with a smile. Zoe steps into the room. “Ooh, am I interrupting something?”, she says, looking at us. “We are dating now”, he says, taking my hand and holding it. “Really?!”, she says surprised. “Yep, she's my girlfriend now”, he says proudly. I flush even more pink. “Well you better not have her all the time, she is my best friend, you know”, she answers smiling. “Ok, I won't”, he says laughing. “I'll plan something for us, tomorrow then”, she says winking and then walks into the other room. He turns to face me. “Go get some sleep, you’ve been working a lot”, he says. I nod and go to my room.

My phone busses as I walk along the path. The sun is really bright and the sound of bird songs roam around. ‘Here’s the address, I'll be waiting’, I read the message and head straight on. The town is busy and people walk everywhere, I see a hand waving in the distance and go towards it. “Hey, love”, Ray says. I blush, “Don't worry you’ll get used to it”, he chuckles. He hands me a bouquet of sunflowers and a bag. I take them and open the bag with a perfume bottle is place inside. “Zoe helped me to pick it out for you”, he says. “Thanks”, I answer. Zoe comes up from behind me. “Hello!” , she says happily. “Hey”, we both say. “I picked this place so we could walk around for a bit since it's super sunny today”, she says. I nod. “Come on then follow me”, she says and skips ahead of us. Ray holds my hand and I hold his and we start to walk.

Sun rays beam on our faces and chatter is heard everywhere. “You know I would’ve never guessed that you would end up with my brother”, she says looking behind at us. Ray smiles at me and I smile back. “Come on then, stop acting like love birds, I want to go eat ”, she says laughing. We catch up to her pace and continue walking. My heart flutters and feels happy finally…

© XLittle_WriterX