

Dear Friend

Thank you.

Thank you for everything you do for me– every little thing. Be it giving me a smile in the morning, telling me a one-liner when I make a face or just making me feel like myself when I start slipping away. I know I am writing this anonymously, but I want the world to know how much you mean to me and every thing you do for me.

You will probably never read this, and if you do, you will probably not know it is me, but I hope that you will feel the gratitude in my eyes when I look at you with all the love there is to give. I hope you will see it in my smile as I greet you in the morning. I hope you will hear it in my awestruck voice as I speak to you about yourself.

Thank you for anchoring me to myself, all those moments when I feel worthless, you make me feel like something again. Whenever I hate myself, being with you makes me feel beautiful again. Whenever I start to crumple in on myself, you are there to hold me up until I solidify again.

Sometimes, just the mere fact that I matter to a person as amazing as you makes me feel worthy of life.
You are all I need, all I want and all I crave for.
You are my only essential, my only comfort, my only desire and my only luxury that matters.

So I wanted to say, thank you. Just thank you. Know that if ever you need me, I am there. I will try my utmost to be as you have been to me– the perfect person. I will try my best to repay this unrepayable debt.
Thank you

Lots of love,
Forever your very own
Anonymous Girl

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