

A hidden Darkness
There is something in this world that everyone fears and no one understands. It's the darkness. People will say they aren't afraid of the dark but throw them into pure darkness, where you cant even see your hand in front of your face then watch them scream.

This is an unfortunate fact and one everyone cant hide from. The darkness is everywhere even within us. We pull away and try to hide but hah! its futile. No matter what we do and no matter where we go, the unfortunate truth is, that the darkness is right there, next to you, behind you and even sharing the bed with you.

As a kid we had all right to be afraid for the darkness holds more than our minds can perceive. There are things in the darkness that Science could never explain. That is where my story begins. As a young child I was always curious about the shadows that lurk.

I always wondered why we shivered when it wasnt cold, or why we felt someone was there when alone. These were questions many people asked and as a kid, I was fearless. I never understood why my dad told me to never chase the dark.

When I was around 10, I found I had a gift yet a curse all the same. I loved my ability but now I have come to fear it. Many people called it the 6th sense or the 3rd eye but I call it Porta, meaning gateway in Latin.

My ability is great and fearful, I have the chance to see everything and anything. My ability to see what others dont and I feel its it's me opening a gateway. When I was young I never knew the true extend of my power.

So one night, I let curiosity get the best of me. I suited up in black tights, shirt and sneakers to match the dark. I thought if I was the dark, the dark will come to me. So I got myself ready and I started walking the long halls of my childhood home.

Here and there I met a few of my "Friends" the headless boy and the girl with no mouth. They never meant harm so I always played with them but that night was a serious mission. One I had to do. So I told them I couldn't play and told them my plans. They warned me and said I shouldn't but yeah, me being me. I refused to listen.

I went on with my travels through the house to the furthest point, where the house was darkest. I went to sit in the dark and I listened quietly. Then suddenly I shivered yet it was a warm night. that's when I knew I was doing the right thing to be accepted into the dark.

I could sense I wasnt alone anymore there, I saw the area got darker and darker. I started to feel a bit fearful but I bit my lip and told myself I am brave. Nothing can hurt me. Or so I thought. The darkness grew and got darker, soon I was unable to see anything around me.

Again I bit my lip and stood my ground. Shortly after this development, I could hear a crackling noise, one of a burning fire mixed with breaking bones. This sound was new to me. I stood up and started towards the noise and the closer I got the more I shivered as if someone passed over my grave.

The area around me was engulfed in just pure darkness. I couldn't see a thing as I was walking forward. Suddenly I was a blue and red order floating, moving in a dancing motion. The noises got louder too and I saw something that chilled me to the core.

I saw a shadowy girl, with seaweed for hair, her eyes were the orb and she wore and ink black dress. She danced around a dimly blue fire that sat upon several corpses. I shook my head and realised that this was the truth of the darkness. The truth behind our fear.

I turned to leave but that's when I heard her "Leaving so soon my darling? The show just started." I nodded my head and swalloweswallower hard. She let out a cackle that made me shiver. Then I heard her bone crack as she started towards me. I then took off running, to where I didn't know as I couldn't see a thing.

I was running for about ten minutes until I bashed into a wall. I fell to the floor, feeling disoriented. I looked around me in hope that I could see again but I couldn't. Tears began to stream down my face as I heard her breath against my ear. I just let out a sorry cry and tried to get up, but she pushed me down.

she slipped her hand into my chest, like a ghost would slip through a wall. I dont know how but I could feel her squeezing my heart. The pain and heat that flushed my body at that moment was unbearable. I thought she was trying to kill me but then she let go.

She gave a scary grin and laughed. "You are so young, so fragile. I could take you in one go but now is not your time. Your time will be the day that my darkness engulfs you again and I take your soul as mine." She laughed and walked off, as she left I felt hands on my shoulders and I screamed but only to notice my friends.

The boy and girl pulled me from the darkness. I was happy to see them. But to this day I will never step into the darkness, as its it's the realm of death. Death is always there waiting for you and that is why we get uneasy feelings from time to time. Its is because death itself is checking you, to see if its it's your time.

© MechaWolf