


When abused or bruised,every kind gesture seems to appeal to the senses.
Whenever you feel like giving up,remember why you even thought of starting anyways.
The bruises is a reminder that you've been preyed yet you have a chance to a CHANGE.
The scars that remains is meant to propell you to fight again. Don't settle for being just a victim.In as much as you are a victim,know that you are a survivor also.

Growing up starts the very moment you accept you are evolving. My life was beautiful as a child.I grew up in a middle class family with four siblings not to mention the countless step-siblings I have.
Life had it own role to play as I aged.
Mom.How's your health today?Baby,it's fine.I may be weak due to my health conditions but I'm definitely not incapacitated. I can function efficiently just like before.I still have vivid image of my youthful days when I was your age.
Unlike you,I grew up in a very poor home.In a very strict environment. It's a typical African home.Girls were treated as slaves who were meant to please their masters.We were trained and programmed to be in the kitchen. Education was far from us.
Your grandpa,my dad,was a very straight-forward man.My mom on the other hand was crock and wicked.Full of evil and deceit.My dad was more or less different from the others.He wanted me to be educated. But there was a twist in my story.My mom was never appreciative of my dad's noble thoughts.She believed that if I'm to be educated,my dad will reap all the benefits. Why she had that line of thinking is still a mystery to me.
As a mom,you are suppose to content with the progress of your wards but my own mom was different. My mom feared that if I become well to do,my dad will be the sole benefactor. In my tribe,heredity is through the line of the father.The patrilineal system of inheritance. Unlike some other tribes were they inherited from their mother's lineage also known as the matrilineal system of inheritance. Were as children bore out of such marriages belonged to the woman.That wasn't my case.
So what happened afterwards?My dad ,despite my mother's imprudent behaviour,went ahead to train me in school.I was brilliant. I'm not bragging about that. I successfully completed junior levels of my education. And was supposed to continue. But there were no funds to push me ahead.My dad had died.And mother was no way going to help me out.So I eventually closed that chapter of my life.What happened next?
That's a story for another day.You've a project.So work on that.This is your only chance to change the world.Mom,what of your story?Your ears are itchy .You go....
I promise to continue next time.
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