

white lily
"Hey!!! you thief .what do you think your doing".what's that commotion over there.
"miss,you woke up"this is my maid ,she's really energetic,caring and joyful but she could be handful at times too."call me Elli , don't need to be formal".
"Ahhhh....,really fine then but what about this little guy here"."I'll handle him"
"hey,there little guy ", looks like he's scared of me but he reminds me of him ."here you can take this fruit ,I won't say a word to anyone"
"really ?" he finally spoke ,"yes,of course .here you go ".he left with a bright smile on his face .
It reminds me of the day I met him ,it was here under this tree .how nostalgic,I wonder how he's now and does he remember his promise . It's already been seven years.
Many people come into your life accidentally but some become the reason for your smile ,reason for inspiration and hope and for me he was the reason why I am standing here breathing and feeling the breeze ,he became my strength to overcome the possible .I still remember the day as if it was yesterday.
I was ten years old when I met him , he was hiding behind this mango .I think he was hiding behind it for a long time and right when he tried to escape my eyes met his , he was such a polite kid ,immediately he sat on his knees and apologize for his action .his hair was messy and he had these big puppy eyes ,which were so cute but he looked a little weak and look who's talking I was born a fragile child who couldn't even handle a little heat or cold climate , the very own reason for me being locked it house . I never went out and I don't even know the outside world and I don't know what's its like to have friends so looking at him standing there lit a spark in my eyes .I told him , he can have those mangoes but in exchange he'll have to be my friend and have to play with me .He said thanks and rushed out .I thought he wouldn't come but the next day morning I got a letter with a white lily someone put that in the letter box saying that letter to the little white dress girl and much more ,instead of my name he describe how I looked ,my maid who brought the letter was laughing out .geez I thought he should asked my name .
he's handwriting was so messy but it was adorable it was my first letter from my first friend and there were photos of outside world , and that white lily which used to calm me,no matter how stressful the days were , and no matter how lonely I get , when look at that flower it used to calm me.
he said in letter he'll meet me behind that tree this evening.well I thought maybe he won't show up but he did come after all.
At first he used to call me weird and it was always me who would start a conversation but has the days pass he opened up to me .now he's the one telling me about the things and the different games they play, he always finds me weird for not having friends .I really had fun spending my time .
As for me I didn't have much time in this world ,even my parents didn't believe I could make .As weak of a person I am going through a operation to cure my disease even I didn't think I would have a chance.
I decided to finally tell him but I didn't expect that reaction from him . when I told him about the operation and maybe he no longer need to visit me .
I didn't have the strength to look him I. the eye but he's voice which was trembling and different it's the first time I saw tears dropping from his checks ,"pr..promise me that you will make out of it , I am going from this town I don't know when I'll come back but when I come back you've to be here waiting for me I don't know how many years it maybe 4 years or 5 or 10 but I want you to survive I don't care , no matter how much less chance you've you got to grab it and survive .promise " . "hmm , then I'll be waiting for you here ".
The day of my operation I've got a bunch of white lilies from him , I don't know why but these white lilies really calms me down . it gave me the strength , he gave me the strength to stay alive to fight, it's coz of him I am standing here right now.
"my lady ,you got a letter from an anonymous and a white lily too . weird who'd give a flower with a letter ,it's so suspicious I think I'll throw "."eh.... don't do that!!! give it to me ","okay. don't scary me like that ".
"ha sorry ".
Dear Liliane
it's been seven years .since I left the town , not even a single day goes without thinking about you and you know , there's a white lily garden in our university and every time I go there , it reminds of you, you know Liliane means lily in latin ,that's the precise reason for giving you those lilies and I'm really glad more like happy to tell you that I am coming back .everyone is sad about leaving university but I am really happy . after these many years .let's meet at the same place and same time .
yours lovingly