

My dear forgotten love (Chapter-1)
Our main protagonist Elena Robinson is an ordinary girl with no greater wealth like any other ordinary person, although she had no parents as they abandoned her when she was just a new born baby, alone she was able to withstand many hardships ever since she was a child. Elena was a strong child if she hadn't been strong she may probably would not have been able to live this far without anyone's support, she also preferred to stay alone but not because she loved the cold stares that she felt whenever people looked at her or the lonely day's she had to spend in that shabby old house alone all these years. She didn't want to create any kind of disturbance for anyone in the world, to put it simply she was a kid hearted soul.

This chapter is about how her ordinary simple life is about to change like a rollercoaster ride.

In a shabby old house Elena was sleeping peacefully like any other days, she woke up by the sudden sound of the timer, as usual she began to prepare for going to her job. After completing her daily chores she set out for her work, she was walking along the streets like always but out of nowhere she heard a loud scream coming from one of the abandoned buildings, it was only the beginning of dawn break at that time so the alleyways were almost completely deserted, Elena became very scared and began to run with her up most speed but after just a few steps she again heard a cry for help. It was a woman's voice, Elena couldn't let go of her fear completely but still rushed towards the direction where the voice was coming from there in the building she saw a bulky man trying to kill a woman who seemed to be about at the same age as Elena. When Elena saw this even before she could think what she was doing her body began moving she slammed into that guy to throw him off balance and pushed him down, grabbed that girls hand and run as fast as she could. They ran for quite some time until they could make sure that guy was not following them, they hid themselves there for a while and nothing could be heard like sounds of footsteps or anything. Elena asked that woman who she was and how she got in that kind of situation but that woman did not utter a word other than some voiceless cries which made Elena unable to ask any more questions. They both didn't had the courage to come out of their hiding place, hours passed there's was still nothing suspicious happening in the surrounding so finally they decided to get out of there, seeing no one was around to put their guard up against they relaxed a bit Elena asked the woman if she wanted to spend the night in her house as she feared the threat was not over yet. The woman agreed and they went to Elena's house, but to their surprise there was already light in her house Elena became scared as she didn't know who it was, there were also some people in black clothing around her house it looked like they were waiting for Elena to return back home. Elena quickly relized that they have to get the hell out there as soon as possible or it will be too late, she slowly stepped backwards while tightly holding the other woman's hand but unfortunately one of those people spotted them. They began to chase them down Elena and that other woman was running as fast as they can after running for quite some distance they saw a park Elena told that woman to go hide there and that she would try to lure away the remaining people away from there as far as possible. They chased Elena for quite a while she ran with everything she got for hours until she reached her limit her vision was getting blurry due to utter exhaustion and as she was slowly beginning to loose her consciousness she saw the shadow of a person who was running towards her from a distance while mustering all her strength she has left Elena could only say a single sorrowful word "HELP" after that she completely blanked out.

To be continued.
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