

Elen’s Chocolate Crunch
Elen the elephant is created by Sir Calvin Nance on YouTube he has a dozens of videos uploaded by Sir Calvin Nance. Elen is an Asian bull elephant that has bad stomach diarrhea problem after he eats his meal like fruits, cashews, peanuts, and popcorn his stomach starts hurting and gurgling that means he got diarrhea his stomach hurts and he starts farting. One day Sir Calvin wanted to dress up as Elen so he could do a show tonight for everybody but first he wanted to make posters about the show he went outside and posted up posters everywhere people were reading the posters they were all hanging up so people can read them. Later a train came to town the train had a special delivery it was called sugar the sugar was needed for the chocolate factory Sir Owen Williams makes chocolate cakes for people at his bakery there were three boys that are teenagers one is 13, the other one is 15, and the other one is 16 they love causing trouble this gave the three boys an idea they wanted to use the chocolate to pour all on Elen the elephant for his show tonight. That night Elen the elephant was on stage acting he was on the toilet after he got up the three boys snucked on stage and pour chocolate all over him Elen the elephant was covered with chocolate. All of the white peoples were laughing but all of the black peoples were angry they didn’t like it some black folks wanted to sue the Sir Calvin Nance’ Company but they didn’t won’t Sir Calvin to go out of business they wanted him to keep making more comedy movies. The show what Sir Calvin did tonight nobody liked it some did but not all because it made the black people felt like it was racism but to the white people it was a funny prank the three white boys got in big trouble when they got home by their parents because they weren’t supposed to be going somewhere without letting their parents know but when the boys found out where they been last night their parents was surprised for what they did their parents knew about Elen the elephant and they knew that Sir Calvin was under the mask they laughed and called the new show Elen’s Chocolate Crunch.
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