

Psycho Emotions
Oh fuck🤦 ain't going to take take this anymore, why will she be the one dropping you everyday?? Why?? Why?? Why?? He roared like a lion.
Haven't I warn you I don't want your friendship with Sandra , I just don't like that lady. Chris shouted at the top of his voice.
Chris 😭 why are you doing this to me, you forbids me from making friends yes I agreed and decided to make Sandra my only friend and now you are stopping me from walking with her😭 what have I done to deserve this ill-treatment from you ?? Franca cried profusely.
You stopped me from contacting my families even my mum, you said you don't want children yet due to reasons best known to you, Chris why are you just treating me like this😭 .
Ain't treating you anyhow Franca , I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I'm not ready to share you with anybody so I'm not even ready to share you with any children for now so my dear take your mind off kids for now. I have even make my decision that by Monday you should tender your resignation letter at work cos I'm not comfortable with you going to work.
See Franca, you are for me alone and I don't want you going out or hanging out without my permission, I married you for me alone, so going to work and any hangout is now cancelled!!! Chris exclaimed
I can't believe my ear, my husband is now a changed man, he is now acting like a psycho, oh God, I think I need to leave this marriage! Franca thought aloud
Wait Franca, what did I just hear you say?? You wanna leave the Marriage?? Oh why not I'm not stopping you from going but before you go I will teach you a lesson you will never forget in your entire life. Chris brought out an iron belt and beat the hell out of Franca until she fell into coma for several days.
Following, the recovering of Franca, she vowed never to return to her marriage and file for divorce and on her way to the divorce office, a car knocked her down and unfortunately Franca did not make it.
The driver of the car was later identify to be Chris and at he confessed that he couldn't allow another man Marry Franca so he decided to kill her and he is ready to accept any judgement made by the court.
Chris Love was tagged by the court jury as a "Psycho Love" , a love which doesn't want anyone or anything around his beloved.
Franca was buried amidst tears by her families and friends, but her mum keep sobbing and speaking aloud that "During their courtship,she warned Franca that marrying Chris will be a bigger Mistake but she ignores and now her beloved marriage had sent her to the early grave😭