


Every minute is a precious currency of life,
Measures our moments, seconds and strife.
It's a priceless commodity we can't buy,
And yet it's often treated with casual sigh.

We measure our days in minutes and hours,
And yet, we waste them on trivial powers.
For time is the most essential asset we hold,
A gift more valuable than silver or gold.

With time, we can build or we can destroy,
We can cherish moments of love and joy.
We can learn, grow, and make memories,
Or we can fritter it away on idle tendencies.

It's essential that we use our time wisely,
To create a life that's rich and lively.
For time is the foundation of all we do,
It's the building block of our hopes and dreams, too.

So let's treasure each moment as it passes by,
And make the most of the time that we rely.
For when we use it well, we can create a legacy,
And leave behind a life of joy and harmony.

© Moses kanjoya