

What a warrior
What a warrior.
I was never told that being a warrior would be this tough.
I mean, it was cool if you look from the outside and it was not this rough.

People desire to be as like us. They love the courage and strength, thus... they'll chant our names and dance and praise, unconsciously sing us to fame. Now, little did they know the things we face.
How our hearts beat hard like the local drums when we journey for war.
Or how we've cried our eyes out, that this cup passes from us.

Our bodies are shaken to the core when our men are killed, and the only time we are relieved of death is when the sun kisses our skin.
We may be brave outside, but not less of a human inside.
We may look fierce and sacred, but our hearts have been pierced and scarred.
Our eyes have seen what our hearts may not bear, yet we tend not to care, buckle up our fears, and act as if there's nothing there.
For we are warriors, men of valor.