

Deepest secrets ep3
The moment I had dreaded for had arrived.I knew very well that such a moment would come but I always told myself that I would be prepared for it.Unfortunately the second part of the statement I wasn't sure about.I hurriedly cleaned up the apartment since Venessa would blow up if she found it in a mess.Then I sat on the coach near the fireplace and lit a cigar.Many thoughts crossed my mind.Things that I rather not imagined were become a reality.Ghosts from my past were still haunting me.Was it true? could Mike have doubled crossed me.No way we took an oath of blood for a truce.Maybe Mike was dead but how could his successor have known the truth?All these questions cracked my brain.For once I felt the urge to call Mike after a good five years of not seeing each other since our last meeting back in Detroit his home.No I could not break our agreement of never communicating to one onother.On the contrary if Hugo really received a red rose from the RK Mike's pack there would be a bloodbath in Jo'burg real soon.In addition the full moon was almost there I just couldn't imagine was massacre it could be.I was woken from my reviere by a phone call from Tom.
"Hey man you ain't showing up for training today?"
"No am beat just fill in for me I gotta take care of stuff."
"Working on Hugo's situation?I think we should just prepare for war."
I knew Tom was right but I could tell whether my pack was ready for all this.
"Yeah you are right but for the moment let's keep it low the junior pack shouldn't get wind of this I'll come up with something."I said confidently.
"Woah seems like you are really sure about this."Tom replied sounding releived."Okay then I'll get back to the others you better sober up quick before your mummy gets home ha ha ha "
"The next time you refer to her that way you will really get it from me"I said with a chuckle.
"No offense but she sometimes sounds like your mum"Tom chuckled back
"You know what just fuck off"I said hanging up the phone when I had Venessa approaching.
"Honey am ho.....wassup with you everything okay."She said wearing a serious look on her face.
"Hey bae am fine just got knocked out abit"I stood up to hug her.
"You back on them pills again! bae we talked about this."She yelled.
"No that's not it "
"The what is it maybe am not getting it clearly"
"It's just that......never mind."
She sat on my lap and placed my head on the fullness of my breasts."Come you know your can trust me." she
said reassuringly.
"Okay I think Mike crossed us."
" Andrew that's impossible,Mike is dead....or..
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