

The Battle For The Heart (The Child of The Stars' Trilogy) : Book Two
It all started, when I, General Slytherina of The Serpentine People, had been on my Home Planet, Serptinia; sick, that, I was in the infirmary, afraid that I would die, that this would be the end; as my sickness refused to go away; despite anything, even Apep's venom being injected into the left side of my throat; hadn't "kicked in" yet, which; was actually supposed to make sure that Serpentine People, who were sick, were better; Serpentine Venom was actually a type of Antidote for all sicknesses, & was never to be used on the elderly, prisoners', or, even outsiders'; as, they may be bandits', thieves', murderers', or; Extraterrestrial Lifeforms'; that dealt in The Black Market of Outer Space. While I lay on the bed, awaiting my death, I could see a white light, & a female Serpentine Figure, which; looked like my mother, my real mother; my Serpentine, Birth-Mother. "Mom?" "Is that you?" I asked. "Yes, &, Abdul needs you." "Go." "Fifill your destiny as The Star Child, as The Savior of all of The Entire Planets' & Galaxies'; both, known & unknown to all Extraterrestrial Lifeforms'." "This isn't the end." "You must get off the planet, & warn Abdul, there are assassins', that work for Apep." "You must live, you must defeat Apep, The Planet Eater." "Oh, & don't turn evil." While I had woken up, I gasped for air, while I had only been exhausted; while yawning. While I had known I had to do, I had waited until I was much better, & had gone onto my ship; while telling Abdul about Apep's plan, & how his father was alive. "What?!" "Are you sure?" Abdul asked. Before I could say more, or even scream out for help; the ship's communication was cut, while I had been caught by Apep, who captured me in his coils', not letting go, while I tried to move, to scream, to speak, I couldn't, because Apep's coils' just got tighter & tighter; until I couldn't move, or speak, at all. While I had heard Apep laughing evilly, I had been hypnotized, until; I heard Abdul. "Come anywhere near here, & The Star Child perishes!" Apep hissed, holding me tighter, until, I had used my magical powers', to get free of Apep's grip. While I had heard Apep laugh evilly, he told Abdul, "good luck; your majesty!" "The venom will "kick in" soon!" "You won't win!" "The Child of The Stars', The Planets', will be mine!" "I will rule this, & every planet; using The Star Child's magic to my advantage!" While I felt Apep pick me up, taking me to the ship; as, we borded the ship, off the planet; while Abdul had noticed me sick, as if Apep had harmed me; while seeing, where Apep bit into my skin; in human form. "Crap!" Abdul said, as my Coloniel had asked what was the matter. "General Slytherina has been infected by Apep's venom, & we need to get her to Drakkar, of Dracotopia; because, he has an Anti-Venom Antidote, as soon as possible!" Abdul said, as; The Ship's Captain said; "aye!" "Your Majesty!" While I had told Abdul, "you don't have to do anything, I'm fine", Abdul had asked me to get him some Grey Juice, while; I only said, "get it yourself." While I had heard myself say what I said, I was only shocked; as, I usually did whatever I was told. "I am so sorry!" I said, while fainting. While we had found a leak in our ship's carburetor, we had fixed it; however, we were surrounded by Apep's minions', while they were on our ship. "You see, I always get what I want!" "And, I want The Star Child." While I had been hypnotized by Apep, I only came to him; while Apep laughed at Abdul; until, I felt a needle going into my skin, as; I had fainted, once again, but, this time; I was caught. While everyone had bowed down; I could see Lord Shiva, who had helped me up, while saying; "arise, oh, Child of The Stars'; Savior of The Galaxies', Rescuer of Planets'." While I had felt Apep's venom out of my body, & my magic returned to me, I had felt stronger than ever; as, Apep had grown two heads'; while breathing fire. While I had known what I had to do, I asked; "serpents', who's with me?!" "Whoever is with me, come forth!" I said, as all of Apep's followers' were beside myself, & King Abdul; all, except four. While I had Apep cornered, he tried to hypnotize me, but; I fought him, killing him, while; scaring off his followers', while thanking Lord Shiva, for saving me. While I had gone back on the ship, with our fellow serpents'; who decided not to follow Apep, especially, since; he was now dead, I had seen Abdul smile, while saying; "let's go home, all of us." As we had gone home to Serptinia, I had seen Abdul's father, sick & old; while, I had released him from the cage, Apep had him in. As, I was given The Book of The Naga, I had opened it; as the magic from the book, had "flown" out; sending it across the galaxies', & planets'; restoring what once was destroyed by Planet Eater Apep. While I could see our planet come back to life, & all life, that once left; come back, I was so happy. While Abdul's father had been dying, even though, we had done everything we could do for him; Abdul's father had given Abdul the crown, making him The Naga or Serpentine King, while; I watched him take his final breath, as his soul had joined in with Abdul's mother's; in The Afterlife. "Your mother would be proud of you." I heard a familiar voice tell me; as I swerved around, only to see a male Naga, who; I had sworn, I had seen before, but, just didn't know who he was. "Sanaya would be proud of our daughter." The Naga said, as Abdul said, "yes, Nag, I know she would." While I remembered who I was, what, I was; I remembered my parents' leaving me, because of Apep wanting to kill me. I remembered that my mother was killed, & my father was either; killed, imprisoned, or, worse; enslaved, by Apep, as; I was brought to earth, turning into a human baby. While I always knew I was different, & had to keep it secret, for years'; learning to "master" my powers', trying to pretend to be normal, but; could never be normal, because of my looks'; I had now remembered when I was kidnapped at age twenty-nine; by Apep's Followers', &, that is when, I remember; first meeting Apep, &; everything else, that followed, soon after. "I knew you could do it." "I knew you could defeat Apep; oh, my Star Light, oh, Child of The Stars'." The Naga said, while he introduced himself; as, I only asked, "father?" "Yes, sweet thing." The Naga Nag said. While I hu2gged my father, I had been asked, by King Abdul; "Slytherina, will you marry me?" "Will you do me the honor of being Queen of Serpentinia?" While I was excited, I only said, with much delight; "yes, Abdul, I will marry you!" While I had known that Apep was gone, & everything seemed all "peachy keen", &; I was about to have a new life, I had known that my life, my adventures' in space & on my Home Planet; as Child of The Stars', was only beginning.
To be continued...