

Lock of a Heart ❤ \Chap: 2//
Well some of you do not know that i'm in 11th grade in high school and i go to Olympia High School in Orlando Florida. Its okay.. I guess.. Well besides that ill just tell you the secret in 4th grade that was so unforgiving that made me loose my frie- "RI___NG" the bell rang for the next class. Well I guess ill tell you later.. "haha look at her she looks like she didnt get much sleep.. aw how quant." A girl said with a sarcastic voice. Thats Clara shes the school "leader" as she says, shes the most popular girl at school. She has a lot of trophys. "haha look at her shes disgusting lets get away hehe!" Claras friend said. Thats Claras best friend Penny, she follows her around EVERYWHERE, she does whatever Clara tells her to do. "See you in gym, hope you loose in voly ball today haha!" Clara laughed. Wait i have gym! i almost forgot, crap! save my soul.. I ran as FAST as i could, i knew i was gonna loose but it was worth a try. After getting dressed in the girls locker room I rushed to the gym floor. "*pant, pant*, im sorry im la-" i look up and i noticed that i wasnt talking to the gym teacher.. I was talking to Col! ON ACCIDENT! "o-oh im s-sorry i thought you were.. M-Mr. Gib! I said with a stutter. "oh its fine!" Col said with his hand scratching the back of his head. "OK EVERYONE GET IN YOUR PARTNERS I WILL A SIGN THEN!" Mr. Gib yelled. "Everyone get to the wall and stand still!" I was as still as i could. "You purple team, Col your on green.." All i heard was blah, blah, blah. "Clara is on Purple team with Penny." Mr. Gib yelled. "YAY WHERE TOGETHER, BESTIES!" Clara screamed at the top of her lunges. ;-; "And you Rena you will be on..!" Ugh ik gonna be on Claras team.. "Cols team!" Mr. Gid said. What the heck im on COLS TEAM! "i say your a lucky one Col is a good team mate and hes a good athlete!" Out of all people i get Col! WHY IM GOING TO EMBARRASS MYSELF!!!!!!