

...to wait, she's coming to serve my food. So I waited, on her CVstudent bed, her books dragging space with me.

The room was hot so I had to let loose three buttons ao the air can feel at home in my dress. The room became hotter when my food came. People of God...

I swallowed my spit a million and one times in a nanosecond. I could not wait to devour the delicacies she packaged hot for me but I'm still on the bed waiting, a perfect gentleman.

"Patience is a virtue", I heard her soothing voice whisper loud in my head. My mouth watered and ached, I couldn't wait a moment more. I did not even notice the 'F' cutlery, I feel like swallowing the sumptuous meal whole but I was afraid the curves could slit my throat...

© The Dhramatikpen
#the365writingmarathon #the365wm #delicacy