

Holy Sandra chapter five.
"I'm sorry Sandra, you can't see for now because you just came out of coma. But I will check to see if everything is alright with your pupils for now, I need you to rest." Sandra just nodded at the doctor's statement before turning to her grandmother.

"Oh grandma, I missed you so much. Dad never told me that you would be visiting. When he comes, I will reprimand him for that. Grandma, I wish that I can see your face. Its been six years Grandma." Her grandmother couldn't talk knowing Sandra couldn't remember the accident.

"Grandma, what happened to me? Why am I here?" Sandra asked wondering what she was doing in a hospital. Wondering what could have happened to her.

"Sandra, could you stop asking questions for now and eat your food? I will answer all your question in due time." The grandmother said looking at Ryan and the doctor wondering what could possibly have happened to make her forget the accident.

"I will ran some test on her to check if it is temporary or permanent. Let just pray that it is not a permanent memory loss." The doctor whispered making sure Sandra was not listening.

"Is she going to be okay?" Ryan asked looking concerned and wondering how she was going to react when she know that her father was dead and she can't walk.

"Let's hope Mr Anderson. She needs to be prayed for. Please, I just don't understand what is happening but we will try our best to make sure she recovers but I think she wants to forget. It was a terrible accident. What I think is that she doesn't want to remember that event so she must have programmed her mind to forget everything. The mind can choose to forget temporarily or permanently. That what we need to find out. We need to be patient and watch if she would remember or we tell her ourselves. Either way, we will find out if it is temporary or permanent. Please excuse me." The doctor excused herself.

In the meantime, Satan kept watching and looking at the girl before turning to God.

"I told you I trust her. She listens to me. She is the child after my own heart. She was anointed from her mother's womb for a purpose. Release that girl now." God the Father commanded the devil.

"Yes Lord, I will but remember she is under your protection that's why she can't deny you. If you could just give me two years to prove it, then you will see what I'm saying my Lord. She will deny you immediately by the time I'm done with her. Just two years Lord, just two years." The devil pleaded to God.

"So be it. But remember Lucifer, don't you take her life. She is my daughter." The father agreed before dismissing the devil knowing fully well that his daughter will never disappoint him. He smiled and looked his daughter.

"Surprise the devil and put him and his wicked devices to shame." The Lord said.

Meanwhile in the devil's chamber, he started his devilish work and started devising his strategies of getting this soul, Sandra. He wanted to prove to God the father that humans are only with him because his compassion and love for them. He should just stop showing kindness, they will deny him fast. He called all his agent.

"We need to start the OTS (operation take souls). We need to set a trap for her. A trap she will never come out off. We need to work together to accomplish this task. We will release her leg so she would be able to move when necessary. The most high said that I must not take her life. So, how can we get her?" The devil asked the agent.

"We could bring lust into her heart. We could initiate it with that young man there in the hospital." One of the demon's suggested.

"Very good." The devil stated and they all clapped.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Sandra wanted to ease herself.

"Grandma, I want to ease myself. Can you take me to the bathroom?" The grandma immediately stood up to help her granddaughter.

But what surprised the old woman and Ryan was that Sandra was walking fine.

The doctor came in to check Sandra's eyes and was in shock to see her walking. He almost fainted but put himself together.

"Grandma, why hasn't father come? He is meant to be here." Sandra asked slowly feeling dizzy.

"Sandra, lay down. You look tired. Let the doctor check on you alright?" The old woman suggested.

The doctor held Sandra's leg and checked on it to see that it was alright.

"This is a miracle. Her legs are okay. Let me check her eyes." He called the optician in and he introduced himself.

"Good afternoon, I'm Michael. Sandra can you see anything?" The optician asked and she nodded slowly.

"Yes" she answered him. The optician nodded before asking again.

"What can you see?"

"Light and some movement but it is just like shadows" the optician turned to the doctor.

"I think in the next two day, she would be able to see. It is the coma that caused it but she would be alright. I will prescribe some drugs and then she would be okay."

Sandra smiled and talked.

"Thank you doctor."

"Grandma, why am I in the hospital?" Sandra asked again.

"You were in an accident. Your Father..." The old woman started weeping.

"What is it Grandma? What happened to dad?"

"Sandra, your dad is dead" That's when everything went still.

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© Faithfulness Celestine