

Two protesters were shot dead and four others sustained injuries in a clash with security forces in the Ashanti Region on Wednesday according to sources from police and hospital.

Residents of the Ejura town gathered on Tuesday to protest the killing of Ibrahim "Kaaka" Mohammed, a young civil social activist and a member of the #FixTheCountry political and social protest movement, who has beaten to death by unidentified people on Sunday.

Police and security officers intervened violently to quell the protest and two(2) people died in the clash assuring that calm had returned to the locality , said police spokesman Godwin Ahianyo.

One of the victims who lost his life through the clash was Nasiru Yussif, his elder brother Abdul Abubakar has made it known that they need justice.

In an interview with Nana Kwabena Ampratwum on Silver Omanbapa Morning Show , Abubakar made it clear that although there were protest against the killing of Ibrahim Kaaka Mohammed but his younger brother Nasiru Yussif wasn't part of the protesters but why shooting him.

He said that, his brother was with some media persons when the protests was ongoing and even by the time they shot him he was still with them ,just he moved an inch from them which led to his shooting .

"My brother Nasiru Yussif was shot in the ribs and secondly shot in the head" said Abdul Abubakar.

He added that, for him, he has nothing to do because they've already lost their beloved , which has cost him and entire family but what he's demanding now is a fair justice into killing of his innocent brother.

He appeals to the government and the security system to be up and doing into the matter to find any culprit who is involved in shooting.

Source: Mathew - Silver FM
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